July 27, 2008

Reaching above...

I am a girl with unreachable aspirations and goals. One might say they are unrealistic, but in Christ I don’t believe that to be true. It is said that you raise the bar high so that you can reach new heights; well I have put the bar high so I can see new horizons. As an athlete I strived to set new records and goals, but in Christ I desire to do much more.

I want to impact the lives of young people everywhere from East to West and North to South. I want to teach them of God’s great mercy and grace of His love and guiding hand. My passion is to someday impact the younger generation to become the men and women of Christ that we speak of in the Bible. I want to watch the glow in a young kid’s life as they grab a hold of something worth grabbing a hold of.

From a beginner to a youth I will not stop loving the next generation. I have heard enough people give up on them and refuse to do that. Now that I’m filled with the Holy Ghost I will live the rest of my life walking with Christ to bring some hope. If I can impact one life with the promise of the Holy Ghost my heart will be glad, but I will not stop there.

My journey doesn’t end here I believe it has just begun. With God’s will I plan to use my calling to help those in need. I refuse to give up on soul’s period. No matter what age, nationality, or gender my complete desire is to see those around me saved. If it shall never come to pass that I will see people I love dearly saved I refuse to believe that they won’t be. God’s mercy on my life has been too great for me to not believe He is able to do exceedingly.

My heart goes out for those who are lost and without hope however there is a whole generation that is in our churches today that are just as lost. As much as I love to watch souls be won my greatest aspiration is to watch those who have been raised in the church grab onto Jesus for themselves. So often young people in the church have been living completely for their parents and don’t truly know what it is that they are doing. Sometimes we forget that those in the church are not always as strong in the Lord as they should be.

I believe that there is a reason that God spoke of the church in the Bible. We forget that even though we know the truth we sometimes forget what we truly need to do. I hope to someday be able to look into the church and see strong youth with great aspirations to bring souls into the Kingdom. Not because they want to be known for winning souls, but because they want to see people saved.

In the short time I’ve been in the church I’ve seen a lot, but if there is one thing I know it is that we are in a great need for STRONG apostolic men and women. There are many places around the world that are in great need of a shepherd and someone to bring the Truth to them.

My heart hurts to know of the many young men who have been called to the field and refuse to get ready. As we know that it is God’s timing that they will go on, however, so often they refuse the call. Priorities seem to be confused when it comes to God’s work and I hope to someday see more of the young men stand on the call that has been given to them. As well as a new strength in the young women to be everything they are called to do. Sometimes we forget that it isn’t just the call of the man that brings blessings to the area, but the completeness of the team that God has made.

Now that you know my greats aspirations and desires I pray that you pray with me to see all this come to pass. Like I said at the beginning some may say this is unrealistic, but nothing is unrealistic in Christ. For I can do all things in Christ, His word doesn’t lie. It is because of the desires of John the Baptist, Paul, Peter, and many more men that we can read of with great aspirations that we know this to be true. The Book hasn’t ended yet the church is still alive, but we must become the church of great power, with a promise and gift to the nations. A church with more than just a secret, but with a great passion to SPREAD THE GOSPEL!

July 23, 2008

Being Leah...

What I’m about to share with you is probably the most impacting revelation I’ve ever received in the Word. The impact on my life is so great that it has taken me almost a month to write it all down. I shared it with the youth and was told to keep my notes sadly enough I didn’t take notes. So hear it goes!

Many people are impacted by one of the greatest love stories ever written. This story is one that I’ve always thought was so beautiful and do even more so now. The story of Rachel and Jacob is one that we all know and love. People speak of the story every time they talk about being wanted and desired. Well one night after praying about my life’s confusion I was awaken by a voice that said “Being like Leah”.

I know you’re thinking she is going crazy, but I’m completely truthful when I say the voice said “being like Leah”. Now I’m telling you this so you understand the depth of this revelation. When I was praying that night I was filled with great heart ache. I have had some extremely heart breaking situations in the church with guys and felt like nothing in that department could ever go right. I felt like how could I ever find a man in the church if none of the godly men want godly women and I’m serious. You can quote me on saying this when I say “I have not met one single man in the church so far that hasn’t made me feel like less a woman because I want to live completely holy unto God”. I would love for someone to prove me wrong and if you find him all the power to you.

In Genesis 29:17 it says Leah was tender eyed; but Rachel was beautiful and well favoured. When I read this I thought God why would you compare me to Leah. She was nothing special not beautiful, not wanted she was basically given to Jacob because she was the oldest he didn’t love her or want her.

As I started to get more frustrated I heard the voice again “being like Leah”. I remember my eyes filling with tears as I thought God I can’t take being unwanted, not looked upon with value, or even feeling love. As I sat there I found myself growing with strength and couldn’t explain it. So I dug deeper into the Word.

The word tender is translated to mean soft, timid, and meek and eye is translated to mean showing mental and spiritual qualities. So as I took in these words I thought what an honor she was described to be a woman of a kind heart and showing knowledge of spiritual qualities. She was not described as being just a woman of intense great beauty, but a woman who was described as being an inward beauty. She was never described as being ugly, but being just a natural beauty.

As I breathed that all in I thought God what are you trying to tell me. Leah may have been spiritually complete, but she still must have questioned herself daily because she was “Second Best”. Those words I know have gone through the average girls head more than once. As a woman of Christ I stand firm on knowing I will not be second best or treated less a woman because of a man’s foolish mistakes. I know I’m stubborn, but I’m a working progress.

As I read more into the scriptures of Leah I realized that because of her dedication to Christ and her pure heart God gave her favor. She was more than a wife and mother, but a Godly example in the Bible that we so often forget to speak of. Sure she made mistakes it says that she even wanted favor from her husband. As we read into this story we realize that she was a woman who had some point in the Word. She was not just the unwanted wife, but God had a plan for her and that was proven by the ministries of her sons.

So often we as women and even men forget that God has a point and place for us. We forget that we are not just forgotten second best statues that are molded into the mold of robot like figures. God has called each one of us to fulfill the call on our lives. He has made us the women and men that we are to become. The story of Leah shows us that we have a purpose as women in Christ. Sure it is important for us to be wives and mothers don’t get me wrong I can’t wait for the day to be both. However, I know my call doesn’t end there. We are not just called to be fruitful and multiply to take all our knowledge and sit on it.

We are called to be woman like Ester who stood up to her husband for her people knowing that her boldness in Christ could cause her, her life. How she stood as a woman of godly example through the beauty regiments and pampering, standing firm as she went before the King with only her bare essentials and inward beauty.

Sometimes we forget about Ruth who stood next to her mother-in-law when she could have just left. But instead she was blessed greatly because of her dedication and loyalty. She was blessed even though they struggled and God gave her favor because she showed up.

I believe all in all that God wanted me to see this. In Proverbs 31:26 it speaks of the woman of wisdom and kindness something that speaks greatly of who Leah really was. It says in 31:30 that beauty is vain, but a woman who fears God shall be praised.

We so often as women in the church want to be looked at as beautiful and wanted. We want everyone to find favour in us and what we’ve done, as if that adds up to anything when we get to heaven. As women and men of Christ I believe we must begin to place God first and centered in our lives. Through all this God has proven to me that sometimes we can be so carnal and not even know it.

Through all of this I have learned so much about women in the Bible. I’ve found something in myself I never knew I had. I’ve found a strength that I will share with every female I can and explain to them that they never need to feel 'second best'. We are said to be virtuous and our value is far above rubies if a man can’t see your value than it makes him stupid. Be woman of great courage and strength strive after completion in Christ because that is all you can ever get.

I have come up with one conclusion to my madness. God wants to give me that man that will complete me. My value of godly character matters and I should never second guess that. I am never going to be second choose because God has told me I am important to Him. If I allow God to complete me He will supply that man and he will respect me, take care of me, protect me, and honor me like a woman should be. No more of this fleshly connections that last only a couple years God wants forever and that is what He’ll give. Sometimes it takes us to be awakened to realize that.

I want every apostolic woman/girl to know you are valuable and you must stand firm on what your godliness means. Your value is priceless and never let someone take that away from you. As for every apostolic man/boy I want you to know that you are valuable as well and your work for Christ matters greatly. You should never allow someone else to devalue who you are in Him or allow you to sway away from godliness.

We are called to spread the gospel and it doesn’t just say only the male species can do so. It says ALL shall spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. Together we can make a stand in this world, but if godly people quite seeking after godliness it will soon be a hard thing to find.

Stand firm on your rock that gets you through the storm. Stand firm on that rock that shows you value. I refuse to allow myself to be anything less than Leah. If my day comes that I am chosen than I will not be second best I will be first because I’ve stood strong on the rock that has gotten me this far. In Christ everything is possible and finding that completion in Him makes your other half fit just right!


Hello Everyone! I just thought since it has been a month and a half since I've written I must update you. God is working greatly in our church. His blessings are being poured out and His work is never done. Trials have came to my life, but I count my blessings daily. With trials comes strength and God knows I'm going to be one powerful girl when all this is over. Powerful in Him! Anyway I wanted to say that we have finally received an offer on our church and we have been given promise to the other church. We are waiting for all formal things to go through, but November will come quick enough. PRAISE THE LORD!

I have to say that God has given me more than I've ever asked for in Him. Life is good, but a daily walking struggle. However, He promised me if I was to not go into education He'd supply that desire to help children. HURRAY! I'm teaching Sunday School what a blessing. I know that they teach me more than I them. However, everyday I go into the class is a great remembrance of the impact Mrs. R had on my life. If I can impact one student with the power of Christ the way that Mrs. R impacted my life with the power of reading I will be complete in that.

The youth is under spiritual attack, however, Youth Core is coming to Borderland in August! I believe that we will see great works through that outreach and great blessings to supply after. If I can see come to pass promises I've held on to I will be greatly thankful!

I will be posting some new blogs very soon! I need my editor to read through them though. Since you all know how great of a speller I am. Praise God for his blessings church it is about time for a great revival!

We have had more baptised in 2008 than I ever expect, several filled with the Holy Ghost, and many to come! Get ready Borderland here comes the Holy Rollers taking over the city! I love you all in Christ and ask you to keep God First In All You Do!

Seeking His kingdom and righteousness!! Together we will do great things in Christ!

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a &q...