December 31, 2013

Looking Back...

Sitting here on New Years Eve at 11:00 pm I find myself reliving 2013. I would say that this year has been a year of growth for me and one that has strengthened my walk in every step. I have been challenged in ways I never thought was possible, but I serve a faithful God and He knew what I needed. I am grateful for all things as the Bible tells us we should.

Today as I sat in the funeral of one of my longest and oldest friend's grandpa. I found myself realizing how quickly time goes. With a year filled with so many challenges I found myself looking through the stain glass and thanking God for His love. How selfish could I be in a time when others are grieving the loss of a loved one? And there I sat richer in the things that matter and crying because of all the heartache I felt around me.

As I get to the end of this year of great challenge, I find myself looking back at all the great lessons I learned in 2013.

I have learned patience in a completely different capacity. As I see large puzzle pieces in my life coming together I find God slowing me down in other areas to focus on the things of value in my walk and ministry. As the song goes "My life is not my own, to you I belong, I give myself, I give myself away".

In 2013, the scripture "lean not unto your own understanding" takes a new meaning for me. As I followed the voice of God to journey into unknown territories I found myself filled with great joy and anticipation for what is to come. However, in that time God has worked my patience and my need to understand His ways. Sometimes I have found that we don't need to understand why we just need to follow the lamp that He has given us and the pathway that He has spoken. All things shall come together in His timing as He orders our steps.

During the last couple months I have learned the importance of staying connect with godly friends. As the days filled with busy work I found myself growing apart from a friend who is a great encouragement to me. She has taught me much through my walk and has became one of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for. An ocean parts us and a time zone that is not the easiest to work around, but with technology we can be the strength to one anther that I believe God has intended.

Now last the most important part. During my time of refreshing and direction in August. God sent me on a journey that truly has changed my life forever. I spent much time with God taking in all that He had spoken to me through constant dreams. While I spent time away from the life that I have become accustomed to, He spoke into me great things. One that is of great importance to you all is that of writing. Ironically this was also the time that my computer decided to crash and until now have not been with a computer to write.

So, starting in 2014 I will be starting to write the book that the Lord has impressed on my life and also continue to blog. I want to thank you all who have became followers of my blog and let you know that your time spent reading is not unnoticed. Every time I go on and see the number of people reading my blog I find myself humbled at the work of God. I pray that 2014 is a time of great blessings for you and that together we can help impact this world.

With so much that has been take in during 2013, I find myself in great anticipation for what is to come. More growth means more growing pains and as He got me through last year, I know He will do the same this year. Happy New Year Everyone!

December 28, 2013

In the Presence of Jehovah...

As I was preparing for my class tomorrow, I was reminded of the importance of having true reverence for God. Not the kind of reverence that is only there because someone is watching you, but the kind of reverence that is there because you know God is watching you. The kind that is deep in your soul to please God and to show respect.

I remember a message that my cousin Nikki's husband preached when I was down in Ohio. It was a message that was on the anointing oil. He spoke regarding the church now and how important it is to make sure that everything that we use for God we should want to anoint. I remember him running around the church from the instruments to the pulpit to the pews speaking about praying over them and anointing them. That they were to be used only for God.

Today I am reminded of this very act and the importance of making sure that we remember the presence of God. To be reminded that we are always in His presence but how we should constantly be reminded of being in His presence especially in the house of God.

As a little girl I remember being told that the church was God's house and that you were to be on your best behavior. To this day I still make sure that I show respect in the house of God and that includes other churches. I always make sure to pick up things on the ground and find myself deeply bothered when the house of God is not picked up. To me how we take care of the house of God shows of how we look at who our God is and I want for people to know that my God is the King.

I want to make sure that in everything that I do I reflect who my Jesus is. As He flipped the tables and spoke with great authority in the temple against the thieves. Jesus shows to us that He desires for His house to be a house of prayer and a place where anyone can see that He is King.

As we find the coming of our Lord drawing near I find myself more eager for people to see who my Lord really is. That in His presence they can do more than just feel Him, they can see Him.

December 26, 2013

Fertilize and Water...

Today while I was at work I received a revelation that I can't wait to share with you. As I tried to find myself remembering all the blogs that I wanted to write earlier, but didn't have the means to do so. I found myself receiving more things to write and look forward to sharing them with you.

During this time when we find ourselves being more discouraged by the things we see, I have been reminded of the importance of faith. The Word tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight and that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

It is great to have just a little faith, but I believe there is more to this than just the size of the faith. The fact that it was a seed to me plays a huge roll in what Jesus was trying to say. Through out the scriptures God spoke about seeds in the sense of our spiritual growth and I do feel that He was speaking something here as well.

Faith can be small in the sense of the planter, but there is fertilizing and watering that will cause that little seed to become something big and fruitful. For example carrots come from a very small seed, but when they grow they are not so small anymore.

In a time when faith is being plucked up and stolen. I believe it is time for the saints of the most High God to start watering and fertilizing those mustard seeds of faith. Not just for ourselves, but also for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

All someone needs is just a mustard seed of faith but for that seed to do great and mighty things it will take prayer in watering that seed and fasting in fertilizing that seed. During a time when the devil is trying to take away the prayers of the church and the desire to fast in the people. I find myself being prompted even more to go to battle for the faith and gospel we have.

If we want to have great faith in our own lives, it is going to take diligent prayer and continual fasting to grow that mustard seed size faith that is inside of us. We can't just think that it is ok to have just a mustard seed when really, if we don't plant that seed and let it grow then it will not grow into the fruit that is needed for others.

I am looking forward to seeing what just a mustard seed of faith can grow into and what it will transpire into in a life. Through prayer, fasting, and pouring out of the faith that is growing in our lives I believe we can see great things.

It is okay to just want a little faith, but I am expecting for a great faith that will heal the sick and cause the lame to walk again. I am looking for the kind of faith that cause whole congregations to come to the revelation of the One true God and for those who have faith to bind together in fasting and prayer to bind the strong man that is trying to take reign.

Don't forget the month of fasting and prayer. Together we can change this world!

December 25, 2013

I am back...

I wanted to get the word out that I am now able to write again. I have gotten a new computer and will be writing all the back log of what God has been giving me and haven't been able to write.

Please pray with me as God takes me through this journey of prayer, fasting, and writing in January. Stay tuned for many blogs as I write down what God has been laying on my heart.

November 8, 2013

Prayer for Philippines

I ended my day today with news from my co-worker that she has not heard from her family in the Philippines. I saw her this morning and her normal bubbly demeanor was very sad. I asked her before I left if she was ok, her response was that she was ok. When she gave me that answer I asked are you sure because you are very down today. When she shared that she hadn't heard from her family my heart broke and the first words out of my mouth when I got into my vehicle was, Jesus.

The power of prayer and the understanding of ministry is something of critical necessity at this time. If ever before we need to pray for wisdom and the power of the Holy Ghost to direct our feet. In times of need and in times of struggle it is up to the church to be the place where people can come to.

In this short blog I want to say, lets pray for all the people who have gone through another devastating situation in Philippines and for the family who can not get into contact with them. We need the comforter and we need the wisdom to counsel those who are going through all of this.

August 27, 2013

What a day this has been...

Math 24 31 ¶ When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: 32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: 33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. 34 Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? 39 Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? 40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. These scriptures have been going through my head as I sit here and think of all the faces I walked passed today. All the people I said hi to and all I was able to share a conversation with. All these people walking through the shops, on the shores of Lake Michigan, and I’m sure many are crying inside with some kind of need. A few years ago I would have never taken this journey by myself. Ten hours of driving to walking down these busy streets, not my idea of feeling good. However, this time as I walked I knew there was a reason. Each face that I made eye contact with and every worker I said good morning to, could be one person God is trying to reveal something to. I ended this day with a question of why I was here, but after I sit here and write I see exactly why I was here. This life is not my own and to Him I belong, I give myself, I give myself, away. To give myself away means that I need to really be truly sensitive to the needs of those around me and not the feelings I feel for the day. As I smiled at the maid this morning and said good morning her frown and unpleased look caused me to wonder why I even made an effort. However, when I went to the back of the hotel and started to take pictures of the lake, I heard her speaking with other maids in a tongue I didn’t know. This city is filled with foreign immigrants who still speak their native language and with no doubt have came to America in hopes of a different life. As I looked at this woman I was reminded of the young women who were cleaning in the hotels in Uganda. Their reactions were the same until our return for a second night. After being gone and returning to the hotel these woman were smiling with beautiful pearly white teeth, thankful that we “American’s” were not acting snobby towards them. As I sit here today I am reminded of the importance of being available to be used in the spirit to show others the love of Christ. How sometimes those that we walk passed on the street are not just another person, but someone that God put there at that very moment for you. I’m thankful for this reminder today. As I step forward in another day of new journeys I find myself amazed at the work that God is doing in me. I’m not satisfied with this life, but I now know why. God is coming back soon and if I am going to fulfill what He has called for me to do, it is going to take a lot of faith and less of me. What a day this has been.

August 26, 2013

Open Waters and New Beginnings...

As I was driving today, I could see nothing but a road before me and open water to the right of me. Both of these beautiful pictures were that of what I am walking into in my life right now. A step of faith that will only be revealed here shortly, but in the mean time is a wonderful time of me and my God and the keys that I feel under my fingers. Life is full of surprises, but is it not in those surprises that such great things happen. I have a friend who is a wonderful person, with a heart for God, and a zeal for life. In this time in her life she has found herself in a situation that has given her the opportunity to ask what God really wants for her to do. As she tries to figure out what God is trying to call her to do she is seeing that a situation out of her control may have been an answer to her prayer. She can’t control the situation that brought her to this opportunity, but it was a way for God to get her to make the decision that will change her life. As I sit here tonight my word is this… God answers prayers, but sometimes we are too blind to see the open road before us and the beautiful water to the right of us. He is saying I’ve opened the road for you to walk, but it is going to take a little faith of walking on the water to get what you are asking of me.

August 25, 2013

Journey Begins...

There was a powerful move of God tonight at church and of course a battle that tried to hinder. However, I serve a God who is able to make something bad turn into good and to teach His church in the middle of it. I will be going tomorrow morning on a journey that will be a new start to my life. Do I know what it will be? No, but I know my God never lies and He said He is going to do something. Expecting great things and excited to hit the road in the morning! Keep me in your prayers and I will write you tomorrow.

August 21, 2013

Falling in Love with Jesus...

In a time when the coming of the Lord is very near, I see myself finding the importance of communication in every venue possible. I received a comment by a person whose words shook me up. I love writing and find in every opportunity there is always something that I have going on in my head to write. If I was given the opportunity, I do believe that I could write for a living. Correctly, grammatically correct, no, but I could write. My brain is filled with stories of life, love, and God, but I find it hard to write them down and finish them. Maybe it is time; maybe it is life, but whatever the excuse I need to allow the communication to flow. I have been amazed at the number of people who have come across my blog even after my log time of not writing. As someone stated, I write with so much love. The song “Falling in Love with Jesus” is truly the testimony of my heart. Falling in love with Jesus changed my life in so many ways. It healed my hurt of loving, it helped me over come fear of loving, and it helped me see that it isn’t about me, but about others. That in the protection of His arms means that I will need to be protected from something and that means I must be vulnerable to be hurt. My head is flowing with a flood of thoughts today. As I sit and try to comprehend what is going on, I hear the words… lean not unto your own understanding. These are the same words that God gave me when I was asking Him why he was asking me to do something that was so out of my character. He is asking me to step out of the boat and trust Him with my whole heart, but that means I have to do the things that in my flesh don’t feel good. Those things that make me vulnerable to be hurt, which gives me the ability to truly feel His love in a different capacity. I’m excited for what things will happen next in my life, but right here an now I’ve got lots to say. Communication may have changed over the years, but I must find the way that God has given me the opportunity to communicate the heart beat of my life. Jesus has changed my life and is changing others lives as I write. If I believe in the scripture than I must believe that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the words of their testimony. This means we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of OUR testimony. The things that God has done in my life are nothing close to the things God can do in your life. The plans, the direction, the souls that He will put into your path is only a part of this great picture that I was speaking of earlier. It is the whole church and the whole world not the individual person and the individual purpose. I have found myself changed this last couple weeks with a true revelation of how every person plays a part in another persons life. I have always known this, but there has been a deep rooted understanding that I have been given of what God is doing in this very easy act of trust and love. My promise may be for me personally, but it includes hundreds, if not thousands. If you don’t know your purpose, hit your knees and ask God what it is. It isn’t that you don’t have one, it is that you haven’t listened or allowed Him to direct your path. May God direct you into the unknown, try your faith, and bring you to a deeper love than you ever could imagine.

August 19, 2013

Completed in Him...

As I get ready to take a journey of faith I find myself amazed at the beauty of being completed in Him. Understanding the meaning of being His servant, labouring fervently in prayer, and being completed in Him. Col 4:12 Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, always labouring fervently for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God. In my Bible, there is a red cloth that I have written one of the most powerful Words that God has ever given me. During Youth Retreat 2008, our Youth President at the time, preached about the blood covering and its importance in our lives. I remember as I prayed for young ladies in the alter a true sense a understanding and deep conviction. It was there that I believe many made the decision on whether or not they were going to allow God to be their protector or if they were going to find comfort some where else. It was in the end of praying for others that I lifted my hands and head a wept. There was the overwhelming spirit of loneliness that swarmed over me and all I could do was cry for God to stop this heartache. At that time, I was healing from a deep heartache that was only to be the start of what God had desired for me. As I wept God used these words in prophesy to me. "God has heard your prayer and because of your meekness. He is going to answer them. From this day your life is going to turn upside down". For those of you who know me, from that day forward my life was changed. After another relationship distraction, God opened the doors for me to go to Sweden for 3 months and after returning I was asked to become the Central Canadian District's TCG Coordinator. From that time, I have gone on missions to Uganda and Kenya, preached a conference in a ladies prison, received my local license, preached for my Uncle Greg's church in Indiana, and been used to minister within my church in a wide capacity. I can truly say, my life was turned upside down. I can't imagine what life would be like without God's direction and divine intervention. He has set my pathway in directions that only He could set. I'm complete in Him and know what I want in life. I can't imagine my life any different nor do I desire the menial life I had planned for myself. There are times in our lives that we receive a word and when it comes we think we know what it is that God is speaking of, but never did I think that it was this. As I spoke of in my last blog, God is putting together my puzzle and as he sets each piece into place and reveals to me the picture that He has designed. I know that my picture is one that is part of others' pictures. God created me to be a part of something bigger and I'm excited to see it come together. I'm excited to share with you the journey that I will be going on next week. My plan is to fill you in on every step of the way. Keep yourself tuned in as I step out into the water of the unknown. My journey has been filled with exciting turns thus far... wait for the next chapter as God turns another page.

August 12, 2013

A Piece of my Puzzle...

There is something special about the plan of God and the steps it takes to receive the promises that have been given to us. The process that it takes to prepare us for the things that we await. Those days of true frustration, loneliness, impatience, and sometimes plain heartache. But it is through it all that we find ourselves being molded into the disciples that we have been called to be. I find myself amazed at all the things that God has done in my life. The hurt that only He could heal and the love that only He could give. I look at the promises that He has given me and I wonder how I could I ever be what He has spoken. It is in those times when I truly know that God loves us and wants to give to His children. I have prayed for a long time for God to fulfill His promises and wondered how He would ever accomplish what He said. But as I sit here today I see the puzzle being put together. I see the reason for the heartache, I see the reason for the times I cried in loneliness, I see the reason for tests, and I find myself thankful for a Father who cared that much to prepare me. The puzzle comes together and the picture is complete. Sometimes it takes us to be patient in what God is doing and know that there is a reason for what He is doing. Sometimes it doesn't feel good in the process, but when God puts it together that's when it really fits and the picture is complete.

April 6, 2013

The Power of the Resurrection...

A week ago tomorrow, I preached my very first Easter service. To those who have done this before this may not seem like a big deal, but to me… it’s huge. Coming from the world into the glorious church you find the message of the cross mesmerizing. A story of pure beauty and hope, something I find an honor to preach on.

The cross is more than a story of our Saviors love and adoration for us. To me the cross is the starting to the most beautiful miracle that ever took place. It is the place where true belief in Christ takes place and the complete message of salvation began.

The song At the Foot of the Cross rings in my ears, “at the foot of the cross, where grace and suffering meet… turn these aches into beauty and wear forgiveness like a crown”. What truth lies in the struggle between the possible and the impossible, a place where only God could show himself the one true God and people could see the power in believing that He is who He said He was. For so many it is easy to believe that Jesus died for our sins, but trying to grasp the true power of the resurrection is a true faith step in its own. How? Why? What?

When I think of resurrection Sunday, I think of its importance. If I want people to believe in the Holy Ghost, desire and want it, I must be in love with the power of the resurrection. For the Word of God tells me that the same spirit that rose Him up out of the grave is the same spirit that will raise me up when He comes back for His church. To leave this world behind and to have the hope of spending eternity with Him, I must have that same spirit. The spirit that say, grace and suffering meet together in my life and beauty is made out of the aches that I brought to my King. I wear forgiveness like it is my reigning purpose and this is all because of the spirit that lives in me.

Without the resurrection, God would have just died for my sins and hope would be forgotten. However, with the power of forgiveness and the spirit of God, I can know that some glorious day I will be up seated at his feet. O Glorious Day!

I look forward to the day where I can say to my Jesus… Thank you for the cross Lord… Thank you for the price you paid. It rings in my heart the importance of the cross and the power of the resurrection. My heart hurts when I hear people say on Easter Sunday, it isn’t really the day of the resurrection it isn’t really a big deal.

Well I tell you what… I’m going to take every opportunity that I can to preach the cross and the power of the resurrection. I want to celebrate the day whenever I can and if others will celebrate with me… praise God! I will take whatever I can get and speak on that day the power of what the resurrection did in my life.

March 9, 2013


As I sit in a bedroom that once was my brothers I find myself overwhelmed with the memories. The days when I would hear him pray to God from the top of his metal bunk bed. Prayers from a young boy, who knew a God greater and more powerful then the men on the baseball cards he hid in the ceiling tiles above his bed. The memory of that day that I found myself regretting my decision to mouth off to my brother and locking my bedroom door. It didn’t take long that the locksmith’s son, my brother, was taking my doorknob off and popping the pins off the hinges. I soon was hanging out my second story window dropping to the ground to get away.
The foundation that we build is the one that we will stand on for the rest of our lives. That is only if, it is one that is strong enough to resist the weather that life throws our way. The Word of God says that the man that is built on the rock will withstand the waves. That rock is Jesus and when it comes to building our houses we must make sure it is built on every principle that is instructed to us in the Bible.

I think often about the principles that I stand by and what I believe is right, the true morals that were instilled into me as a child, as well as the things that God has taught me as an adult. Those things are what I base my decisions on and the things that I go back to. The times I go to prayer for answers when I don’t know have came from the experiences of finding that the only way to get an answer is from prayer. This is because I choose everyday to build the foundation that was built underneath me as a child and make sure it is grounded in Christ.

I am sitting in the house that most of my childhood memories were built in, but it does not look like the house that I once knew. After a flood happened in my parent’s house a couple of years ago, they were forced to gut their house to the studs. The floor plan has changed a little bit but the house is still the house that I grew up in. It may look different on the inside but the foundation is still there.

This is like me. I was not raised in the church, but there are still things that God instilled into my parents to teach me that were biblical principles that I live by today. Some things in my life needed to be changed, updated, and cleaned up, but I still have the foundation that was there and it is my responsibility to build on it. God put people in my lives to start a foundation that was Godly but it is my responsibility to make sure I keep it strong. That I keep the termites from eating at my foundation and destroy what I God has given me.

Tomorrow brings changes and with changes brings new trials. However, I’ve came to appreciate each given day and the new challenges it brings. It is in those challenges that I must look to my foundation and look to the things I know are right. The Word, which I have hid in my heart and deep in the foundation of my soul, is what gives me the answers in those times.

Times may have changed and era’s may have come and gone, but God has not changed and will not change. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. I must remind myself of that and no matter what tomorrow brings that I can stay reminded of the foundation I stand on. The foundation that God instilled into my parents to train me up in, as well as those things I have learned as an adult.

I write this today to say… tomorrow will come. Build the foundation underneath you strong a firm. Make sure the studs that hold up your memories are not what you hold on to. Make sure that it is the Word that is deep within you that keeps your studs up and standing strong. Make sure that it is God that is your foundation because He will stand the test of time.

February 11, 2013

A Voice in the Mist of the Rain...

There is nothing like watching the rain from the inside of your cozy home. Those moments in time while you enjoying the sound of a burning candle and its aroma that fills the bone chilling air. A moment in time that nothing seems to be going exactly has you scheduled but there is comfort in enjoying the atmosphere. That moment when you understand that God is in complete control and rest seems complete in the mist of the storm.

I’m reminded today of Peter while he was in the prison. Behind those iron bars was an atmosphere of regret, hatred, and spiritual oppression. An atmosphere that no matter, how many candles you burn or warm fleece blankets you wrap yourself in, there is no comfort outside of Jesus Christ.

The cold feeling of fear must have chilled the bones of the man Peter, but I believe that he found warmth in the mist of the storm. This terrible situation was made into a miracle because Peter kept His eyes on Jesus and off the situation at hand. No matter how cold the atmosphere got Peter was there for a purpose and to fulfill that purpose he had to keep his eyes on God and not on what the enemy had put before him.

I can’t say that I believe that my mom had a purpose to feel the prison walls of a Kenyan prison. But I can say that I know that God was with her. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned for good. There was no person who was saved behind those prison walls, but there was a bright light in the middle of the foggy oppression that filled those cells.

In our mission’s trip to Kenya, the atmosphere was cold, frightening, and truly filled with evil spirits. However, in the mist of that atmosphere stood a group of God fearing, Holy Ghost filled saints of God, which were there for a purpose and carried it out. We were there to break out the prisoners behind the iron prison walls and baptized hundreds of Trinitarian saints and pastors in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ.

I believe that in every situation, every moment in time, that God has placed us there for a reason. It may seem like the air is thick with defeat and the mission at hand is impossible, but like Peter we are called. Called to purpose and that won’t happen without a little spiritual warfare.

As the times get harder and we feel that we are in the rain storm that will never end. We must remember where we are sitting in the ship with the greatest comforter there is. No matter what the weather maybe outside or even the atmosphere, God can be the brightest candle, give off the sweetest aroma, and bring us the greatest victory or blessing we have every imagined.

Look for the beauty in the mist of every situation and remember that every bad situation God made good. If God caused the rain he will bring the rainbow, if God caused the famine he will bring the mania. Find strength today in knowing that no matter what it looks like outside your windows… you can be living in paradise inside the temple of the Almighty God.

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...