February 11, 2013

A Voice in the Mist of the Rain...

There is nothing like watching the rain from the inside of your cozy home. Those moments in time while you enjoying the sound of a burning candle and its aroma that fills the bone chilling air. A moment in time that nothing seems to be going exactly has you scheduled but there is comfort in enjoying the atmosphere. That moment when you understand that God is in complete control and rest seems complete in the mist of the storm.

I’m reminded today of Peter while he was in the prison. Behind those iron bars was an atmosphere of regret, hatred, and spiritual oppression. An atmosphere that no matter, how many candles you burn or warm fleece blankets you wrap yourself in, there is no comfort outside of Jesus Christ.

The cold feeling of fear must have chilled the bones of the man Peter, but I believe that he found warmth in the mist of the storm. This terrible situation was made into a miracle because Peter kept His eyes on Jesus and off the situation at hand. No matter how cold the atmosphere got Peter was there for a purpose and to fulfill that purpose he had to keep his eyes on God and not on what the enemy had put before him.

I can’t say that I believe that my mom had a purpose to feel the prison walls of a Kenyan prison. But I can say that I know that God was with her. What the enemy meant for evil, God turned for good. There was no person who was saved behind those prison walls, but there was a bright light in the middle of the foggy oppression that filled those cells.

In our mission’s trip to Kenya, the atmosphere was cold, frightening, and truly filled with evil spirits. However, in the mist of that atmosphere stood a group of God fearing, Holy Ghost filled saints of God, which were there for a purpose and carried it out. We were there to break out the prisoners behind the iron prison walls and baptized hundreds of Trinitarian saints and pastors in the wonderful Name of Jesus Christ.

I believe that in every situation, every moment in time, that God has placed us there for a reason. It may seem like the air is thick with defeat and the mission at hand is impossible, but like Peter we are called. Called to purpose and that won’t happen without a little spiritual warfare.

As the times get harder and we feel that we are in the rain storm that will never end. We must remember where we are sitting in the ship with the greatest comforter there is. No matter what the weather maybe outside or even the atmosphere, God can be the brightest candle, give off the sweetest aroma, and bring us the greatest victory or blessing we have every imagined.

Look for the beauty in the mist of every situation and remember that every bad situation God made good. If God caused the rain he will bring the rainbow, if God caused the famine he will bring the mania. Find strength today in knowing that no matter what it looks like outside your windows… you can be living in paradise inside the temple of the Almighty God.

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...