August 26, 2013

Open Waters and New Beginnings...

As I was driving today, I could see nothing but a road before me and open water to the right of me. Both of these beautiful pictures were that of what I am walking into in my life right now. A step of faith that will only be revealed here shortly, but in the mean time is a wonderful time of me and my God and the keys that I feel under my fingers. Life is full of surprises, but is it not in those surprises that such great things happen. I have a friend who is a wonderful person, with a heart for God, and a zeal for life. In this time in her life she has found herself in a situation that has given her the opportunity to ask what God really wants for her to do. As she tries to figure out what God is trying to call her to do she is seeing that a situation out of her control may have been an answer to her prayer. She can’t control the situation that brought her to this opportunity, but it was a way for God to get her to make the decision that will change her life. As I sit here tonight my word is this… God answers prayers, but sometimes we are too blind to see the open road before us and the beautiful water to the right of us. He is saying I’ve opened the road for you to walk, but it is going to take a little faith of walking on the water to get what you are asking of me.

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