March 26, 2021

Silent Suffering...

Today I felt my body really fighting. You know the days when you know you're worn out for no other reason than some war is going on in your body. In the mist of it I was also sent a message off one of my stories by a friend who stated that she felt my pain while she battles with fibromyalgia. It made me really realize the true silent sufferers. Those we have no idea are battling things we do not see. 

It is easy for people to see your pain when its outside. But what people often don't see is that so many are silently suffering and we don't even know it because we are always looking for external signs. While I am typing this I'm even thinking of those who people say they had no idea that they were suffering with depression or anxiety. How to we reach those?! 

The ones who've silently been suffering and need a life line. I'm reaching out to those who are in need of a support group of people who will help lift them up in prayer, encouragement, and help. I'm reaching to those who are battling silently with no life line in sight. I'm reaching to those who are looking for answers and haven't found them. For those still fighting for a diagnosis and for those who are trying to find tools to not silently suffer but victoriously overcome the battle they are going through. 

So today I shout out to the silent sufferers. I shout your name for true victory and that you might hear this shout for a life surrounded with people who want to see you live. So today my prayer is that the silent sufferers are found in Jesus Name! 

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...