February 12, 2021

The Power of Prayer

We often times find ourselves in places in our lives where we wonder whether God has heard our prayers. Why keep praying something that God already knows? The truth is that us praying for something isn’t us begging God or us trying to twist something into our favor, but rather a lesson in fervent prayers that are full of faith. While Hannah prayed eagerly for a child she also prayed in faith. She knew the situation she was in while also knowing the God whom she served. Whether that prayer was answered quickly or after some time she didn’t stop her time of prayer. We often times find ourselves giving up on prayer because we see nothing happening. We often times measure the power of our prayers by the evidence of instant answers. We often find ourselves walking in a state of false humility as we truly have allowed our faith to be limited all because our prayers didn’t get answered the way we thought. Today I challenge you to think back to all the unanswered prayers. Maybe those are prayers that you now know are things you should be thankful were unanswered but those things prayed for that are aligned with the will of God… why did you stop praying. Those children in need of something that only He can provide… why did you stop praying? That you might find that doctor whose true desire is to help… why did you stop praying? That house you stopped praying for. That relationship you stopped praying for. That healing you’ve stopped praying for. That daily strength you’ve stopped praying for. That bible study you’ve stopped praying for. That open door you’ve stopped praying for. There is power in prayer and it isn’t because we are so great… it is because He is so great. Prayer moves mountains. BUT most importantly… prayer develops in us a growth that builds the kind of faith that helps us pray without ceasing. — Thursday Thought 

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...