March 3, 2011

Bible Study and Discussion

Are you interested in joining us with our Bible Study Discussion.

Topic next week will be about who we follow. Are you a follower of the Apostles or are you a follower of Christ? Who are you living your walk with?

We say all the time we are Apostolic which is right but have you lost what it means to be a Christian?

Please feel free to comment! Let me know what you think and we will bring you into the discussion on Monday March 7th at 7:30pm. If you'd like to join us please feel free to send me a message or email. We will be doing this live through Skype and encourage all young people to join but that you clear this through your Pastors as we want to keep everyone in the know.

May this discussion topic cause you to think and to see what you feel. What do you feel about being a Christian?

Use the Bible!

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...