December 26, 2013

Fertilize and Water...

Today while I was at work I received a revelation that I can't wait to share with you. As I tried to find myself remembering all the blogs that I wanted to write earlier, but didn't have the means to do so. I found myself receiving more things to write and look forward to sharing them with you.

During this time when we find ourselves being more discouraged by the things we see, I have been reminded of the importance of faith. The Word tells us that we walk by faith and not by sight and that even faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains.

It is great to have just a little faith, but I believe there is more to this than just the size of the faith. The fact that it was a seed to me plays a huge roll in what Jesus was trying to say. Through out the scriptures God spoke about seeds in the sense of our spiritual growth and I do feel that He was speaking something here as well.

Faith can be small in the sense of the planter, but there is fertilizing and watering that will cause that little seed to become something big and fruitful. For example carrots come from a very small seed, but when they grow they are not so small anymore.

In a time when faith is being plucked up and stolen. I believe it is time for the saints of the most High God to start watering and fertilizing those mustard seeds of faith. Not just for ourselves, but also for our brothers and sisters in the Lord.

All someone needs is just a mustard seed of faith but for that seed to do great and mighty things it will take prayer in watering that seed and fasting in fertilizing that seed. During a time when the devil is trying to take away the prayers of the church and the desire to fast in the people. I find myself being prompted even more to go to battle for the faith and gospel we have.

If we want to have great faith in our own lives, it is going to take diligent prayer and continual fasting to grow that mustard seed size faith that is inside of us. We can't just think that it is ok to have just a mustard seed when really, if we don't plant that seed and let it grow then it will not grow into the fruit that is needed for others.

I am looking forward to seeing what just a mustard seed of faith can grow into and what it will transpire into in a life. Through prayer, fasting, and pouring out of the faith that is growing in our lives I believe we can see great things.

It is okay to just want a little faith, but I am expecting for a great faith that will heal the sick and cause the lame to walk again. I am looking for the kind of faith that cause whole congregations to come to the revelation of the One true God and for those who have faith to bind together in fasting and prayer to bind the strong man that is trying to take reign.

Don't forget the month of fasting and prayer. Together we can change this world!

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