June 29, 2012


Last week there was a terrible natural disaster that took place in my own state. Minnesota was hit with one of the most puzzeling natural disasters I can remember. We don't see much up in this northern part of our country but last week our state was hit with a true sign of the end times.

After a days of rain and not just sprinkles but down poors the city of Duluth was hit with a flash flood. A city that in Minnesota we look at as being on of the most impossible places to flood it happend.

Roads caved in by the mighty strength of water and weakness of mans creation. Homes destroyed by water stealing families of memories and years of hard work. The zoo losts several barn animals unable to get to higher ground. All this loss is not in the hands of any man nor is this terrible situation in the control of those who wish they could have reversed what took place.

In this I write today to say.... we need to pray more then ever before. Some places that are located in low lands on the Red River seem to know the season of flooding too well but unfortionately no one is every prepared for the loss. I'm asking all who read this article to ban with me in prayer to allow the saints of God to hear the cry of those who are in need of support, love, compassion, help, and peace. No time is better to bring God to people then the time where they are reaching for help.

Prayer for the city of Duluth and the people there. May God strengthen them and guide their foot steps to the souls of those who are seeking. To strengthen them for the loss they have endured and allow them to be used as a vessel of honor as they through the Holy Ghost find the peace that this unexplainable.

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...