March 19, 2021

Who are you?

The thought has been expressed that our identity is strictly connected with what we believe about ourselves. Think about it. Who are you? What is it that makes you, you? Do you find yourself trying to change things on a regular basis or are there things that you truly are grateful for? 

I really find myself trying to take a deep breathe lately. In my moments of stress and pain I take a deep breathe that goes deep into my diaphragm. I allow myself to truly oxygenate my whole body. Allowing myself to go deep. 

In a moment of time when we find comparison so rogue we also must take into consideration where all this comes from. Does your identity come from what you believe in yourself or is it based on outside influence? 

I used to look at pictures of myself and think who is that. But now I look at this woman and think... warrior. The stories that are not completely shown on my face are part of who I am. It is apart of the story that shows what I believe and why I believe it so strongly. This smile is not a hidden coverup of hurts not seen, but it is a smile of victory and truth.

I am an open book to anyone who'd like to listen. I am someone whose body constantly fails her. I am someone who's faith constantly is tested. I am someone who has seen miracles but also seen other sickness not healed. Behind my smile is a battle of equality within the realm of covering. Behind my smile is a fear of rejection of those closest to me. Behind my smile is a strength that has came from being a constant encourager to not myself but those around me. 

Who is this woman? This woman is someone who's identity is not measured by models. She is not a person who's looks are of any value. She is a woman who's desire is to empower other woman and girls to walk into their own purpose for the kingdom of God. 

Why you might ask am I sharing this? I'm sharing this because we need to take a time to truly take note of who we really are. Are we measuring ourselves by all that is wrong? Or are we measuring ourselves by all that God has done right?

I want for you to take note. Remember what your story is but don't let it write your next chapter. If the smile you have is hiding something, it is time to get to the healing process. That process might be you needing to talk through things. It might be that you need to be reminded of your value. You might need to spend more time speaking life into your own life instead of always investing in everyone else. It is time for you to really come to face...WHO YOU ARE?! 

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...