We all know that 2020 wasn’t the best year. It challenged us in many different ways, but it was something that could either make us or break us.
Working in Human Resources I’ve seen a common strain of comments made by those during review season... “2020 was a challenging year”. For sales people it meant lower sales numbers. For those in the service center it meant more challenging service calls at a larger volume. For managers it meant learning how to manage staff schedules and for us in HR it meant learning on the go.
While I haven’t had a normal 8-5 job for the past year as I was never clocked out. I’ve learned one thing... this life is not bad it is just a bad day. It is just a bad situation. It is just a bad time. I choose to look at this time as something that can build me because I choose for it not to break me. This mindset has got me through a lot of things but most importantly it has given me strength.
How have you grown in 2020? Has it increased your ability to look at times of struggle as times of strength? Have you started to read more? Maybe you put your health before your love for junk food? Or maybe you learned your love for gardening and spent more time doing things that brought you joy rather than focus on all that you can’t do.
I challenge you today as we enter into almost the end of the first quarter of the new year. Will you live what you’ve learned in 2020 or will you be bitter as 2021 seems to be going the same? Will you face challenges with determination? Or will you face life with a defeatist view?
Yes, we are still facing things in 2021 that we were facing in 2020. It has been a year of this new life that we are living, but in this we should have been drawn to the things that are important. The things that were lost in the hustle and bustle of life.
So how are you going to look around the corner? Will you be grateful or pessimistic? I vote for grateful!