February 16, 2010

International Revival...

The Word of God says that when his people pray that mountains can be moved. That just little faith gave Peter the power to walk on water. We are told of spiritual healings taking place when hands are lade on those who are in need. God has proven Himself time and time again showing that it is with great faith we could change this world.

In my bible studies with the International students I have witnessed so much of God's blessings. My friend Pamela has been witnessing to her friends for a couple years now and has been asking for a bible study for a year. Now that we've started the bible study she been able to witness more to them. I've been blessed to be a part of this and to watch light bulbs turn on by the power of God's words. In our group we have had two girls who have received dreams of going in the wrong direction and knowing that they don't have the power to change the direction they are going in. That they are on the road to destruction. God is moving and in all! God has brought two Muslim students to our group one who realized the oneness revelation but is still trying to make up his mind. Prayer is needed as these very educated students are trying to figure out God and we all know you can't figure out everything somethings are just by faith.

While in Falun during the previous weekend. I was blessed to give back to the people with a message and with music. I was blessed to use the gift that God has given me through music to play the piano for this wonderful house group. It was in Falun that I truly felt that I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do. There is a hunger in Falun and people are popping out every where with great hunger for the Word of God. I have never been able to witness so much desire for godliness as I witnessed in Falun. God is moving and He is getting His church ready.

I am ready for great things to happen here in Sweden and I can't wait to witness what that is about to be!

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...