August 21, 2013

Falling in Love with Jesus...

In a time when the coming of the Lord is very near, I see myself finding the importance of communication in every venue possible. I received a comment by a person whose words shook me up. I love writing and find in every opportunity there is always something that I have going on in my head to write. If I was given the opportunity, I do believe that I could write for a living. Correctly, grammatically correct, no, but I could write. My brain is filled with stories of life, love, and God, but I find it hard to write them down and finish them. Maybe it is time; maybe it is life, but whatever the excuse I need to allow the communication to flow. I have been amazed at the number of people who have come across my blog even after my log time of not writing. As someone stated, I write with so much love. The song “Falling in Love with Jesus” is truly the testimony of my heart. Falling in love with Jesus changed my life in so many ways. It healed my hurt of loving, it helped me over come fear of loving, and it helped me see that it isn’t about me, but about others. That in the protection of His arms means that I will need to be protected from something and that means I must be vulnerable to be hurt. My head is flowing with a flood of thoughts today. As I sit and try to comprehend what is going on, I hear the words… lean not unto your own understanding. These are the same words that God gave me when I was asking Him why he was asking me to do something that was so out of my character. He is asking me to step out of the boat and trust Him with my whole heart, but that means I have to do the things that in my flesh don’t feel good. Those things that make me vulnerable to be hurt, which gives me the ability to truly feel His love in a different capacity. I’m excited for what things will happen next in my life, but right here an now I’ve got lots to say. Communication may have changed over the years, but I must find the way that God has given me the opportunity to communicate the heart beat of my life. Jesus has changed my life and is changing others lives as I write. If I believe in the scripture than I must believe that they overcame by the blood of the lamb and the words of their testimony. This means we will overcome by the blood of the lamb and the words of OUR testimony. The things that God has done in my life are nothing close to the things God can do in your life. The plans, the direction, the souls that He will put into your path is only a part of this great picture that I was speaking of earlier. It is the whole church and the whole world not the individual person and the individual purpose. I have found myself changed this last couple weeks with a true revelation of how every person plays a part in another persons life. I have always known this, but there has been a deep rooted understanding that I have been given of what God is doing in this very easy act of trust and love. My promise may be for me personally, but it includes hundreds, if not thousands. If you don’t know your purpose, hit your knees and ask God what it is. It isn’t that you don’t have one, it is that you haven’t listened or allowed Him to direct your path. May God direct you into the unknown, try your faith, and bring you to a deeper love than you ever could imagine.

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