January 14, 2010


The only person I know who answers a greeting with "grateful", someone who feeds the multitudes and not in his own power, someone who goes to battle on his face and enters with only a sword(the Word), someone who will enter into the battle fields with nothing but victory in mind, someone who has no idea how his love for souls saved me from never walking into a United Pentecotal Church again. Who is this man you may ask? This man is my Pastor... Rev. Sean V. Ward

I remember the day this man became my Pastor and will never forget it. My desire is not to dwell in the past but I must give honor where honor is due. There are two things about that day that I will dwell in forever. The first words spoken by the man I call Elder are the words that gave me peace... "they are finally home". The second words spoken by the man I call Pastor... "it is about souls and you are welcome here". These words are what I know make my Pastor the best pastor in my eyes. He is the sheperd that threw over his shoulder two wounded sheep and has protected them ever since.

Pastor Ward has helped in mentoring out gifts that I never knew were there. He has pushed me to heights that I never knew exsisted in God. He's prayed for me and let God work out the many rough spots in my life. Allowing the love of Christ work through him I am slowly growing into the servant that God has called me to be.

I say all of this to say be grateful for the one who's authority and call has given you the hope to learn more about the one true God. Be grateful for the man of God who has listened to the call of God and preaches to you the Word. Who helps you to grow and become strengthen in the faith.

Thank you Pastor I am grateful for what you've done and the huge roll you've had in helping me to become what God wants me to become. No matter what comes my way I know that you will preach the Word of God to me.

Tack Jesus!

January 13, 2010

Grandpa Fries...

There was a solider who went home...

I sit here today thinking about what my Grandpa Fries truly taught me. He was not a perfect man in fact he was truly the poster child for forgiveness and mercy. I look at his life and what he did and I wonder how a man so mean could turn into a man who was so in love with something besides himself.

As little as I knew Grandpa there is one thing I do know. He was a man who trusted in the Lord with his whole heart. Grandpa was not a perfect man but he was a changed man by his faith.

Some people have the love that is transparent in their work. Grandpa loved God with all his heart and soul. His work was God's work and his life God's life. I'm grateful today to have known him and will forever be thankful for what God did to change him.

Just a little tribute to one man who along with many has impacted my life.
I miss you so much but I also know that you are in a much better place.

January 11, 2010

Walking on water...

I'm looking forward to what God is going to do in the next couple weeks. I've learned so much about myself and what I stand for. It's just to good to be true.

Life is amazing and never have I felt so thankful for what He is going to do. I'm in the last part of planning my trip and in that I've realize so much.

The Lord spoke to me and told me not to be afraid. I stepped out in faith with my whole trip from my budget to my insurance and over again. This whole thing has taught me how truly amazing our Lord is. I'm looking forward to doing God's work and with a grateful heart.

Five year to get answers, five years to be filled with the Holy Ghost, and five years to start it all in baptism. My Lord has worked in fives my whole life.

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...