April 6, 2013

The Power of the Resurrection...

A week ago tomorrow, I preached my very first Easter service. To those who have done this before this may not seem like a big deal, but to me… it’s huge. Coming from the world into the glorious church you find the message of the cross mesmerizing. A story of pure beauty and hope, something I find an honor to preach on.

The cross is more than a story of our Saviors love and adoration for us. To me the cross is the starting to the most beautiful miracle that ever took place. It is the place where true belief in Christ takes place and the complete message of salvation began.

The song At the Foot of the Cross rings in my ears, “at the foot of the cross, where grace and suffering meet… turn these aches into beauty and wear forgiveness like a crown”. What truth lies in the struggle between the possible and the impossible, a place where only God could show himself the one true God and people could see the power in believing that He is who He said He was. For so many it is easy to believe that Jesus died for our sins, but trying to grasp the true power of the resurrection is a true faith step in its own. How? Why? What?

When I think of resurrection Sunday, I think of its importance. If I want people to believe in the Holy Ghost, desire and want it, I must be in love with the power of the resurrection. For the Word of God tells me that the same spirit that rose Him up out of the grave is the same spirit that will raise me up when He comes back for His church. To leave this world behind and to have the hope of spending eternity with Him, I must have that same spirit. The spirit that say, grace and suffering meet together in my life and beauty is made out of the aches that I brought to my King. I wear forgiveness like it is my reigning purpose and this is all because of the spirit that lives in me.

Without the resurrection, God would have just died for my sins and hope would be forgotten. However, with the power of forgiveness and the spirit of God, I can know that some glorious day I will be up seated at his feet. O Glorious Day!

I look forward to the day where I can say to my Jesus… Thank you for the cross Lord… Thank you for the price you paid. It rings in my heart the importance of the cross and the power of the resurrection. My heart hurts when I hear people say on Easter Sunday, it isn’t really the day of the resurrection it isn’t really a big deal.

Well I tell you what… I’m going to take every opportunity that I can to preach the cross and the power of the resurrection. I want to celebrate the day whenever I can and if others will celebrate with me… praise God! I will take whatever I can get and speak on that day the power of what the resurrection did in my life.

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Congratulations on preaching your first sermon, you picked a powerful message to preach about. It's the most powerful one on the face of the earth. Without the cross you and I would be without hope, I am SO VERY thankful for it!!!

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