February 4, 2011

What to do next?

Overwhelmed, undecided, and confused is the best description I have of someone who's trying to figure out the call on their life. The purpose and the direction of where you're being directed is hard for the heart to figure out. As the Word tells us the heart is deceitfully wicked and truly goes towards what is pleasing to the person not God. I wonder often if we take that into consideration when we follow our hearts towards whatever God is calling us to do.

Prayer, fasting, and the Word of God are the three major things that I have found that will get you to answer the question... "what is this calling on my life?". To understand the voice of God and the direction that He is pulling you towards you must combined these three things to confirm your direction. It works and trust me never will you go wrong with these three things directly all your decision making.

The draw and call of God is sometimes overwhelming. How do we make sense of spiritual things and doing kingdom work with those things that we see everyday? We can't and that is why we must not follow a feeling. We must follow the voice, Word, and godly councel.

I can't tell you that I have made the right decision in every direction in my life nor can I tell you what tomorrow may bring for me, but I can tell you that the Word of God will give you faith to stand on your promises, prayer will give you the strength to follow after things which are godly, and fasting will give you the mind of God to understand what He is trying to speak to you. Within these three you are always going to get godly councel and you will always get a spiritual man or women to confirm this.

Now I'm sure you've heard all of this and wonder why I'm writing it again well I'm writing it to say that if you don't have faith and believe in these things you tie the hands of God to truly give you the revelation you are asking for. It took the doubting men and women in the wilderness 40 years to see their promise and I don't know about you but I don't want to be a doubter of what has been spoken.

Know that you are not alone while you figure out what is next in your life. Know that you are not alone when you doubt of what He is trying to tell you. We all have the must know now syndrome this medical disorder that is only curable with a big dose of GOD. As Mary Poppins sings "a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down"... well I will sing "a spoon full of God helps the frustration go away".

I encourage you today to take a look at your frustation and see what it is over. Are you frustrated cause you don't know or are you frustrated because you think you know and it isn't coming to pass. Trust me all things will come together. Just enjoy the time you have learning and getting to know who God really is. Enjoy knowing that God's will is not always a time line and not always in our ways but in the works of the soil. God makes sure the grounds are ready when we may not see the underlying issues he sees when really is going on in the depths of our soil.

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