February 3, 2011

Love... Passion... One Heart?...

Through out the Word of God we see and find the many ways and examples of love. We see the love of God, self, others, and the most important the love of souls. Ever single story throughout the Word of God truly has to do with love. It has to do with where our true heart is and where our passion lies. How the butterflies of a new found beauty can make us feel as if we have just won the jackpot.

Valentines day at this point in my life means really nothing. I usually spend the time with a good book and a cup of tea. Receive some cards from my family and maybe a little gift but besides that it isn't the day of "love" for me. However, even though it isn't for me doesn't mean that I don't recognize it as a day to give to those to show you care. Not because it is a national holiday but because you truly want them to understand what they mean to you.

As we become a world in love with pleasing ones self I find myself desiring more and more to have the heart of God. I have been able to hear of the wonderful heart of people in other countries who truly put themselves last and lift others up before themselves. How they prove that God's love lives within them.

Jesus said when he spoke to the woman with the issue of blood. Her reaching to Him in faith of healing could have cost her, her life if it would have been any other man. However, she was given an example of what love is and that is when you are in need those who care give and Christ has that heart.

Love is not vain nor is it full of self, it is if true love something that goes deeper than the two involved. It influences all that come in contact with it. Christ's love shows us that it impacts and it changes others when it is true.

This month I challenge you to see where your love lies and see if you give love for what you can get or you give it because you want others to see that you care. Not the kind of love that gets noticed nor the kind that makes you puffed up the kind of love that shows that what is important to you is the only true valuable thing you have and that is... God.

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