November 19, 2010

Child like eyes...

As you may have noticed I have a true love and heart for the underdog. As a young girl I remember fighting tooth and nail to not be a girl who was struggling. Many don't know that I spent most of my middle school years in a special education room waiting until the bell rang before I walked through the doors.

Before I was in tenth grade I spent one hour of the day lingering around the halls so that no one would see me walk through the doors of the "special education" room. Yes, as a young girl I struggled with reading and spelling. As you can imagine this effected alot of my learning as those are key things to any other learning.

However, I remember one day deciding that I didn't want to be in the class anymore and that I was going to work hard to prove that I didn't need to be. I believe that years of prayers lifted up by my mom helped me be determined and that God gave me strength to push through. Her frustration and the frustration of the teachers was nothing more than a heartache for me. I knew I wasn't smart and instead of giving up like most kids, prayers were heard and God came to save the day.

I know that in my own strength I would have never been able to get A's and B's in my Junior and Senior year of High School. Or that I would have graduated from High School a year early with college credit classes nor got through University with high marks. As a first grader I was unable to read and spent the summer learning to just be able to read the basic words that now kids have to know before they are even in Kindergarten.

With all this said God has placed a soft spot in my heart for those young kids in our Sunday School classrooms that don't have someone to pray for them to over come the obstacles that have been thrown at them. I pray some how God will give me a chance to give to these young souls that hurt and are embarrassed of what they have been dealt.

God loves all and is no respecter of persons. He says that if we don't come to Him as a little child that we can not enter into the kingdom of God. I believe this is because kids can see things with hope. If we do not have hope for them when they are little we will take away that true beauty of a child.

Today my prayer is for all the Sunday School teachers around. Don't give up on the one who is struggling and who can't keep up. Don't let them get frustrated on what you are trying to teach them. One of my best memories of teaching Sunday School has been working one on one with kids who are unable to read or write correctly. I pray that each teacher has an opportunity to watch the light in a child shine when he or she feels like they have succeeded. To give one child the opportunity to feel like they can over come and make it in this world that makes the good kids shine.

Teach your students to be over comers and give them what they need to work through what they may struggle with. Don't let them give up and throw in the towel because things are to hard. Give them the tools to be able to do what you know they can do and allow them to feel like they are not different in a bad way. You never know your teaching in a Sunday School classroom could be what helps them in their daily schooling and that would open the eyes of many through out.

All learn at different levels and truthfully looking back at my life I'm grateful that I struggled because it has given me a heart to care for those who truly were just like me. A heart to pray for students that didn't have the support system of prayer like I did.

Open your heart today and pray for those students who don't have parents praying for there learning. Pray for those young kids who need someone to love them enough to care about there success in life through education. Yes it may be something of this world but it is also something that God can use to speak to a child. It is something that can show to a child truly how special GOD see's them.

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