November 15, 2010

Gettin back to it...

Hello fellow friends! I truly apologize for the long delay between posts. Since I've returned home from Sweden it doesn't seem like I've had time to really think let alone sit down and write again. I started to write the other night and realized it is time for me to organize and reevaluate my priorities in life.

I'm reminded as the snow falls that life continues even when we are not ready for it too. Sweden will only be a memory very soon and the lessons I learned while I was there will only be a memory if I don't let them change me. I think that it is time to reevaluate what things God has spoken to me, taught me, and corrected me on.

I don't know about you but I find it very easy to fall back into the ways of life and return to the same things I once was able to say I had gotten over. However, if we are not careful we are brought right back to the place we once where and seeing the same revelation.

October was a month of many little blessings. I am now officially 23 and as it doesn't really mean much it is still a reminder that God gave me 23 awesome years and each year gets better as I grow deeper in love with Him. God has given me the desire to write and express myself through words but I don't seem to do it as often as I should.

Starting I plan to make more of an effort to write and give back to the Lord through thanksgiving. Please look for the up and coming update of what the mission field taught me and how a year later things in my life have changed.

May the Lord bless you and encourage you through this wonderful season of life. As the American Thanksgiving fast approaches take a look at what you have and what you are thankful for.

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