Sunday school was different today there was sadness in the air as I knew it would be for my last day in the classroom. Watching the youngsters enter in the room made my hear t beat to a new and different rhythm. I wish I could say that I was comfortable or ready for the class but I wasn't, my heart hurt inside as I knew it would be my last class with these wonderful young people. Pastor's presence in the room was only a reminder of the sadness I was feeling inside and the struggle of making this no different because I was leaving.
Sweet Ms. Rachel paid for a cake with her own money for my leaving. The love that was shown from Rachel's gracious giving heart showed through her gift. I will miss that girl as well as the sweet determination of Josh, Chet's loud boyish manhood change in his attitude, and Luke's confident change. These sweet children have changed my life and I will forever be grateful for that. They have given me something that I can't put my figure on.
Hugs were given as the youth group came to say good bye to me. My heart still breaks as I saw the tears in Sara's eyes and the hugs from Lacey while the boys shook my hand. I'm proud to watch the change in Mike and witness the persistence that Brother Justin has came to with the Lord. As sad as it is to say good bye and leave I can't look back at the beautiful blessings that these young people have been in my life and not be grateful.
Now that we are on the road I can't believe this day has actually come. The roads are terrible as we can only imagine when the Lord is about to do something. I was told that I couldn't get my e-ticket yet and the computer took a while to upload. It truly has been quit the day.
Pastor's words will forever ring in my ears while I'm away. "Faithfulness is success in the eyes of the Lord". As I step into this new chapter of my life I want to stand firm on what the purpose of this trip is for and that is souls. The lack of churches in Sweden breaks my heart but I know that will change. As long as I stay faithful to the Word and house of God my witness will be as it should be in the land of Sweden.
Last Sunday after fretting about leaving the Lord gave me this scripture.
Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. 10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
I know I have been called to help in Sweden as far as what will happen after my three month deployment, I do not know. I have three months of service to find out what God wants to do. The Lord has guided the footsteps of His people. Some to go, some to stay, and some to reach…
My Pastor is an amazing man and his love for service has taught me so much throughout my walk. It is today that I would like to say… thank you Pastor. You have done so much for me, taught me, corrected me, and encouraged me. I am going on this mission trip because of your faithfulness. You took me in, brought me under your protection, and with the help of God allowed healing to take place. If you would have not obeyed the call to stay and pastor the church in Fort Frances who knows what would be of my life.
Many want to go to the mission field, be a pastor, be an evangelist, or the next million dollar soul winner, but I have a pastor who followed the will of God for his life and because of that I am able to follow mine. You always said that it is about the will of God and now I say to all…..
Don't say I wish I could do this and I wish I could do that. Allow God to make you into what He wants. In your words "I am forever grateful" for what influence my pastor has had in my life.
I pray that everyone is safe today and blessed by the warmth of our Fathers embrace. Remember to forever be grateful for the people and things that make you who you are today.
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