January 29, 2010

Four o’clock mornings and confusing signs…

No one can tell me that driving in Europe is an easy task. As I've learned by Adrian driving me a couple times now it is truly an accident waiting to happen. I watch some of the people whom may I add drive on the right side of the road seem to drive like mad men out to kill their first deer. It is crazy how people can be driving around in circles and never truly make you feel like they are going to run you over. Most people I see are walking but there are some who are driving around and seem to run into each snow bank possible or come to an intersection where I've not truly seen many STOP. They will do the common coast as I find my mother do often but stopping like we see at intersections not rarely. As I say this I do not complain just opening the eyes of my readers to what my daily adventure today entailed.

Four o'clock mornings are starting to get at me. My body as it gets over jet lag is tired by the time it is bedtime but I still have not gotten a regular routine. My bed time has been close to 11:00 or as it would be here 23.00. I wonder often if I will ever get us to the military time but I'm going to have to because everything is like that including my bus schedule which I'm still not use to yet. When you are spoiled with transportation always at your hands it makes it difficult to not here. Back to the four o'clock mornings which wouldn't be too bad as I do stay up during the day and sleep at night so I'm not all out of sorts. However at 7:30 am every morning I find myself awakened to the chirping of little kids who are going to the preschool across the street or as they call it förskola. Adrian informed me that it is for children who are five and younger. Anyways these kids are so excited that I wake up every morning to either them arguing about something, which I do not understand what they are saying but I do understand what they are doing, and/or them playing and laughing. It is sweet as I don't know what they are saying ever but I have looked out the window to see them and their reactions. So that brings me awake after my little rest that was only a couple hours long following my four o'clock body wake up call. So as you can tell my Scandinavian experience is quite humorous.

Today was my adventure out by myself. I was planning on taking a walk to bandhagen where I would take the train into the city that normally I would take the bus to... well go figure I was lost in the first fifteen minutes of my walk. Lucky for me I wasn't that lost and was able to venture back home. I than find out that the next bus wasn't for another fifteen minutes so by then my cheeks were cold and I didn't feel like waiting for the bus. So I ventured down the street to the nearby grocery store that I knew was there. Probably a five or ten minute walk at the most. Lucky for me I was able to find the postal service where I could buy stamps, or so it looked like on the sign, and was able to venture through the grocery store of a foreign language. It was very neat to look at all the products as I learned quickly that I will be eating lots of fresh things because that is all that I knew really what it was. Which will not be a problem because starting on the 8th I will be entering into a Daniel fast with the church, yes the good old fruits and vegetable fast that we did for a month. However, they are only doing it for 21 days so that isn't bad at all.

So as you can tell venturing through Sweden was an interesting adventure. Even though short and truly probably only a half an hour I think I may be going back later on this afternoon to mail something for headquarters. We shall see though I don't know what this day will entail besides the youth night that will be here tonight. I will post pictures and maybe a blog tonight if not tomorrow. It is really nice having internet access here as I can stay connected at all times.

Well I am off to work on scriptures for Adrian. I have to translate them all so it will take me a while. L I also should pick up around here so that the youth are comfortable. I guess you'll hear about what God is doing after youth night. Lord Bless everyone!

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