September 14, 2007

Trust in God's way...

Have you ever felt like nothing else could be as bad as what you are going through right now? Have you ever sat in your own self pity and knew that nothing could be as bad as what you were going through at that very minute? Well, if you have maybe this will help you feel less alone.

Before I came into the church I went through one of the toughest things in my life. I knew that by having my second knee done that God would take care of me and make all the pains go away. Going into that surgery I convinced myself that I knew what God was planning for my life, however, I didn’t. My plan and God’s plan were two different things. God wanted to teach me that we can’t have everything when we want it and how we want it. We can’t wish healing upon our lives or greater yet ask God to do something we would never do for him and that is give something.
As of right now I look at where I am and smile. I have just gone through a long discovery of what God has been wanting me to learn all along TRUST. Through every trial or mishap in my life I’ve wished God to do something great for what I wanted in my life. I always said I wanted God to do what He wanted in my life, but when things went wrong I looked up at God like why bring me through this. Until lately did I realize that trust doesn’t just come when everything is going right, it comes when all things are going wrong and you can’t understand why? Like my Pastor said it is when you trust that you lift your head up when all you want to do is put it down.
Lately I’ve been so confused so frustrated with God. When He’s promised me things I’ve expected them now, when I’ve wanted things I’ve placed a timeline on God. I became frustrated with God looking at things and questioning why am I not good enough, why am I not pretty enough, why am I the one who is sick, why am I the one who can’t sing, why am I not using my gifts, why…why…why?
Now after several trials and many days of tears I’ve realized one thing. My trust in God was lacking and my belief that He was going to take care of me was zero. I called myself a Christian I called myself a girl of great faith, but I wasn’t.
It has taken me several face plants to realize that I didn’t trust God and his timeline. I didn’t trust that I was going to be okay that even with mishaps in my life that God wasn’t done. I’m ready now. I’m ready for what God wants and whatever that may be I’m ready to take it with arms wide open. God is my rock, He got me through some tough nights lately and He’s helped me realize one thing…. Life is nothing without him. Trust is something that we so commonly say we have, but until we are tried is it really there.
Now ending this little blurb I’m going to say this. God is a God of everlasting love. I may be sick, but I’m not died. God’s not done until He decides so. So, why give up when you don’t hold the timeline. Trust God He knows the greater plan even when you think you have it all figured out!

I can do all things in Christ who strengthens me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I believe that true trust only comes through trial. Tried and True. Our walk with Christ is a test and trial of our commitment and obedience to Him. Keep walking in faith and trust. It's not through works and it's not how fast we come out of the blocks, but how we finish the race. He's coming soon, keep looking up!

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