Many times we think we know exactly how to love, but really we don’t. I often have thought that I loved something or someone, but truly in my heart I didn’t. For in the Bible it says that no one loves more than a friend who gives his life. Jesus is that friend that gave his life and sometimes we forget how true that makes his love. We never think about love being more than an infatuation or lustful chemical reaction between two people. We never think that love could be anything like complete submission to God.
I heard the other night the most powerful thing I’ve ever heard. No man who says he loves God can love his wife and treat her wrong and say he is submissive to God. A man who can say that he loves God and can treat his wife like dirt is not being submissive to God. We are like a complete circle one that is always with God in the center.
I also heard another very good story about love. A pastor from Minnesota said that when he proposed to his wife he told her that he was nothing without God. That he was not worthy of her and that God had to be the center of their marriage for it to ever work. He told the story of how he broke a red rose which he said was the love that would bind them together. He then grabbed a white rose that he had behind his back and placed that rose in the center. He said that God was the center and that will make their love complete. Now I don’t see them all the time, but with that line you know he must truly love her and God.
So often we look at love as something that we just feel, however, God says love is much more than that. For we can’t even imagine how great love is and what it's true meaning is. God is our love and when we love someone we bring God in it. Love is something that can’t be explained or understood the only way you can describe love is to say… JESUS!
I often have asked myself why I run from love and now I know. How could I ever truly give myself to someone in such an amazing bond when I couldn’t give my whole life to Jesus? How could I ever love someone when truly I didn’t know Jesus? Now with the Holy Ghost I trust that God will guide me towards the perfect man. The man who I can make proud and complete. The man who I can pray with. The man who I can work with and build a beautiful ministry. A man who I will be proud to stand next to because his life is centered in Christ and our love will be centered around our love for Jesus!
That is the love I’m looking for… a kind of love that goes much deeper than just the flesh. A love that hits your soul. The kind of love that makes you smile. JESUS!
I heard the other night the most powerful thing I’ve ever heard. No man who says he loves God can love his wife and treat her wrong and say he is submissive to God. A man who can say that he loves God and can treat his wife like dirt is not being submissive to God. We are like a complete circle one that is always with God in the center.
I also heard another very good story about love. A pastor from Minnesota said that when he proposed to his wife he told her that he was nothing without God. That he was not worthy of her and that God had to be the center of their marriage for it to ever work. He told the story of how he broke a red rose which he said was the love that would bind them together. He then grabbed a white rose that he had behind his back and placed that rose in the center. He said that God was the center and that will make their love complete. Now I don’t see them all the time, but with that line you know he must truly love her and God.
So often we look at love as something that we just feel, however, God says love is much more than that. For we can’t even imagine how great love is and what it's true meaning is. God is our love and when we love someone we bring God in it. Love is something that can’t be explained or understood the only way you can describe love is to say… JESUS!
I often have asked myself why I run from love and now I know. How could I ever truly give myself to someone in such an amazing bond when I couldn’t give my whole life to Jesus? How could I ever love someone when truly I didn’t know Jesus? Now with the Holy Ghost I trust that God will guide me towards the perfect man. The man who I can make proud and complete. The man who I can pray with. The man who I can work with and build a beautiful ministry. A man who I will be proud to stand next to because his life is centered in Christ and our love will be centered around our love for Jesus!
That is the love I’m looking for… a kind of love that goes much deeper than just the flesh. A love that hits your soul. The kind of love that makes you smile. JESUS!
What a blessing to see such a mature response to such a base instinct. Whoever the Lord places in your life will be a very lucky young man because your understanding of true love is not based solely in the flesh, but in the heart of what you have been created for - your Lord, Jesus!
This is very true. Thank yu for this blog. I hope you get what you want....God bless.
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