April 17, 2012

Stubborn and Strong...

As a young girl I was energetic, talkative, creative, and some may say very confident. As I got older I found myself discouraged in confidence, less likely to dance around, and more likely to listen then be the first to speak. Times changed and situations made my life what it is today but there are two characteristics that never were taken from me and that was my stubbornness and my strength that made me what I am.

Yesterday while I was looking at the overview of how many people have been looking at my page I was brought to a page of the ways that people found my blog. One of the google searches that was used was "having sex with an apostolic girl". Of course because of the words "apostolic girl" they were given my blog as one of the results. I pray they found out quick that they won't be getting what they thought as this strong and stubborn girl isn't weak.

I have had people tell me that putting my name on my blog was not wise. In fact some told me that I shouldn't just because there are weird people out there but I'm to stubborn to let someone stop me from voicing my beliefs and giving encouragement to those young girls who have found themselves in the same boat as me. Those young girls who have lost their energetic, fun loving self in the mist of trying to be the "ideal" girl and help them understand like I had to that they can get back what they feel was stolen and still be the godly girls/women they are called to be.

In a recent article a columnist wrote about how young girls are no longer little girls anymore. How society and the media have came together to destroy the energetic, talkative, creative, and confident young girls. The kind of girls who would sing a song about a turnip in the onion patch, dance with flaying arms and legs resembling a kick boxer more then a dancer, and drive a car that was made out of their closet as they closed the door and drove to the store with their teddy bear in the front seat with them. What happened to our young girls?

We now have girls who dance with hips that move in ways that they do not understand why, dress with shirts that are so low that when they play they fall down and show their chests that haven't developed yet, they wear real make up to school, and listen to songs like "shake it for me girl... shake it for me".

As I sit here writing I find myself wanting more then ever to stand up for what is right and voice my opinion regarding what makes a woman a woman. Have we lost so much of the passed that we can't see that searches like "having sex with an apostolic girl" are only a result of our not training our young girls how to be young girls. Teaching them to be stubborn and strong for the beliefs they  have and the things they stand for. Stealing them of their innocence and truly making them into sex objects so that they feel their only true value is that which comes from a man.

Being a woman is a beautiful thing and in God's way can be beautiful when a man is attracted by the things that make a woman truly a woman. We have been made in the likeness of God to glorify Him in the beauty of His holiness. We have been made as fine gems as we grow closer to Him and shine in the virtue of the godly temples He designed us to be. Young girls will only be young girls if we show them what being a woman really is. Think about it....

Growing up the image of a woman that was portrayed was that which was pure. Our examples where mothers who desired for their girls to be girls and even more so they dresses us to be just that. Easter dresses were of flowers and frills with white gloves, shiny shoes, and hats. This was my time... when I grew up!

What was portrayed to me was that of a mother and a loving wife. Because my grandpa had a farm which I loved I desired to be a farmers wife and live off the land. That was the image to me of a good woman so what did I pretend. I pretended to be a farmers wife, with a baby, that cooked, baked, and cleaned while my husband did chores.

I'm praying today for all the young woman, mothers, and girls who are either examples or growing up. It is time for statements like "having sex with an apostolic girl" to make us stand strong for the things that are right and not just make us afraid and say well that is the sign of the end times. It is time for our young women to stand strong in the church and say I want young girls to know that they can keep their purity, innocence, and childhood.


Cindy said...

Excellent, Krystina!!! I love what you have said and you are so RIGHT!!! Keep saying it.
Have a wonderful day!

Krystina Meyers said...

Thanks! I plan on it! Sure helps to see that people are reading what I'm writing.

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