In the mist of all this sorrow and grief I have seen the true importance of showing the light of God through every trial of our life. Keeping our faith in the Creator and showing the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God is in control and the same God who spoke the universe into existence can turn all things for good. No matter what the situation, no matter how grime the news, God can make a horrible situation good.
Today as I write this I don't want to go on and on about the thoughts in my head. I want to say this... Sharon A. Fries will forever be missed. Her bright warming smile and warm gentle touch will be missed as a physical comfort and reminder of what it means to be a true woman of faith. Never once did she complain to people about having cancer.
I pray that this time of loss can be a time of revival for the soul of all. That in the mist of heart ache we can stand knowing that if today should be our day to leave this world that we will be going to a place where tears should be no more and rejoicing should be ever more.
In all things we should be able to see the good and the good in this situation is that my Aunt no longer has to suffer and her reward is now at hand. She was a woman of faith and believed until she took her last breath that her God was able to heal. No bitterness over took her as she threw up by the hour, she still believed in the healing God. That is the kind of faith that I want and that is the kind of love I want for my Lord.
Many hugs to you all!
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