February 24, 2012

Mind full...

This morning I woke up to a mind that was full of way to much stuff. It was bogged down by things of the passed, things of no value, and things that I'm trying to make sense of but can't. As I'm writing this I've came down to one truth and one thought....

I Cor 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

No matter what I must remember this truth of the Word of God. No thought in my head should ever be that of confusion. It must be that of a sound mind. When I get to the place where I find myself confused or full of thoughts I must... pray and clear my thoughts.

Our minds are such a powerful tool that can truly become the playground of the enemy. If I'm not careful with the thoughts that I allow to swarm in my head I will become a puppet to the emotional roller coaster that the enemy wants me to be in.

So what am I saying? I'm saying don't allow your mind to be full of confusion and idle to the thoughts that are NOT true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. (Phil 4:8) When we can get our minds off the things that are of importance we can be taken away from a sound mind.

Today I challenge you to think of the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. Focus on the things that are of value and you will find the peace that God desires for us to live in.

I guess this is just my thought for the day. Hope it blesses you and reminds you to keep your thoughts of things that will keep your day filled with smiles.


Mallory Bigler said...

Very well written Krys and also very true. Many times we give the devil to much credit and let him fill our heads with negative thoughts and lies. It is up to us to call on Jesus for strength. Though it all may be easier said then done, the bible states that we can do ALL things through Christ who Strengthenth us :) Keep writing girl, your a inspiration to many! Love you!

Cindy said...

That's a great thought for today. I find that when I'm tired my mind is more at risk of being useful to the enemies tactics. I will think of the lovely and the useful today.
Love ya, Cynthia

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