February 7, 2012

Get me out of this comfort zone..

James 1:22-24

But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your ownselves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.

I have found in my life that I will hear something and want to do it but it just is so out of my comfort zone that I just can't do it. Sometimes I can hear someone say the right things to me and agree what they are saying is true but when it comes to changing those ways in my life it is just not as easy.

Like this scripture states I see in the glass what I want to see but I forget what I once was or forget to see what I should be. We always want to do all the right things but it isn't always that easy. We want to do all the right things and dream big but we can't really apply them to our lives. Dreams are always wonderful but it is only a dream if not put into reality. Or in a spiritual sense it is only a dream until we make the step and God does the rest.

As I pray regarding my life and the new adventures that are to come I'm reminded of these scriptures. It is so easy to hear the Word and know the Word but it is so hard to actually apply it. Oh Peter step out on that water and try the power of God. If Peter would have never stepped out on that water he would have never walked on water, but he did and that is all that matters.

During the CCD Family Camp in July of 2009 God spoke to me clearly. He said to me I will make you walk on water. Instantly I knew that there was significance in the word make and that is if I wanted to do the will of God in my life I was going to need to step out of my own comfort zone.

That August I went to my Pastor and said I feel a call to Sweden. At that time in my walk I was so scared that my Pastor would say no that I prayed and fasted for a month before getting the strength to speak to him... getting out of my comfort zone.

After I spoke to my Pastor he told me that the Lord had told him prior to us talking that I needed to go. He didn't know if it was Bible School or what but he knew that God spoke regarding me going and now it is history.

I went to Sweden January of 2010 and I was completely out of my comfort zone.  There I learning to trust in the Lord in every minute of every day. During my trip I didn't see people filled with the Holy Ghost but I did see an angel and I did see the hand of God move. I learned so much from my brothers and sisters there. Learning the true meaning of servant hood and the importance of trusting God.

I share this with you again to say I don't believe that God is done pushing me onto the water. I don't believe that He is done stretching me in the box that I've become so comfortable in. If I am going to be anything for God I need to be a doer of the Word and not just a listener of the Word.

If I am going to be a vessel for God I need to make sure that I don't stand on the side of the ship looking at the horizon knowing that I could have it if I just would step out of my comfort zone. God will take care of us if we are walking in His will. We can walk on water if we know that the man who is guiding our footsteps is God and not us.

This is going to be my challenge for myself. I'm going to have unfailing faith in God's ability to do the miraculous, getting me out of this comfortable box I live in. I'm going to pray like Hannah and being diligent like Jacob that the things I think as impossible become possible through Christ.

I'm no longer going to limit the hand of God in my life and allow myself to walk in a comfort zone. Sometimes I limit myself because of life and I believe that it is time for me to allow God to MAKE me what He wants to MAKE me.

I believe that in each person we have our own weakness. There is something that God wants us to do that we just can't do. We know that we should be doers of what we hear but we seem to not want to get out of the comfort zone. So I challenge you all today... lets get out of our comfort zones and apply the things we hear and know.


Cindy said...

I hadn't realized that you went to Sweden last year, good for you. I have an elderly uncle who is from Sweden, he came over as a teenager.
Great challenge, thank you. It is a difficult thing to do, but it's God's will for our lives.
Thank you!
Hugs, Cynthia

Krystina Meyers said...

Yes I went to Sweden for three months in the winter of 2010. It was the most amazing experience of my life and I'm hoping to return for a quick trip this summer. I made some amazing friends who have become like family to me. Thank you for all your kind words and comments you've truly kept me wanting to keep writing. Another challenge of getting out of my comfort zone. :) Many hugs your way!

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