This week I lost a very loved and well respected classmate. At the age of 24 his life was tragically taken in a head on car crash, which took both him and his wife's life. He is the second classmate I have lost since graduation and in this time of grief all I can think of is how important our lives are and how important salvation is. We are not guaranteed tomorrow, in fact we are not guaranteed anything, but what we are guaranteed is the plan of salvation and that in which the Word has so perfectly displayed in it's importance to our eternal lives.
I am not writing today of the gloom of my classmates and where they are or are not going to be spending eternity. I'm writing today this very fact that Matthew wrote: Mt 11:12 And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.
Our salvation is something worth fighting for and John the Baptist knew that. His soul purpose in life was to bring the message of the coming of the Messiah and the plan of salvation that would come. Grace was not in affect when he ministered, it was by action/sacrifice. In those days they knew what they were fighting for and what they were standing for. They would give their lives for the call of the Lord and stand for the message they knew was truth. It was what they fought for and was worth every sacrificed lamb.
The Word says in Philipians 2:12: Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. We must have a fear of where we will spend eternity and not because of the fear of man but of the fear of God. Each person knows what God has given them, each person knows the ministry that He has put in their feet, each person knows that God is coming soon, and with all that we must know that it is time to start fighting for salvation.
I can not change the salvation of any person nor can I say if my classmates did or did not make it into heaven but I can say this, the Word says that I must repent, be baptised in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Ghost to even see the kingdom of God. I must obey His Word and follow after Him... that I know and that I must do.
Now is not the time for us to get quiet about this gospel message that we know is true. It isn't time for us to silence our beliefs or remove our landmarks. This is the time where we stand firm on the foundation of the rock that we are built on. Speaking to every soul about this message and the coming of our Savior. Now is the time that we gather together speaking of all that He has done for us.
The Bible says that in the last days there will be a falling away from the church. If you have been watching it is happening and the truth is we must be careful that doesn't include us. I'm sitting here tonight saying it is time to take up the fight for our salvation and those around us.
It is time for the church to arise from the slumber. I speak of this from my heart and not that of any rebuke. I know that there are many in the church who are out spreading this gospel message but I also know their are some that are not who have fallen asleep in the delay of His coming and have been blinded by the ways of the enemy.
It is time for us to fight and I ask all prayer warriors to go to battle on their knees because this is war and we need prayer. Your salvation and every loss soul is worth fighting for!
This journey of life is to be lived not endured. The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. The fearful are caught as often as the bold. Helen Keller
September 8, 2012
August 28, 2012
New View...
It has been to long since I've written and even though my intention was to write more I haven't felt inspired to write. Now that I am back from Uganda I feel that I don't know what to write. I pray that the Lord will lift this sadness from my heart this sadness of feeling like I need to be there. I miss the people and their love for God but even more the feeling that I'm right where I need to be.
I feel this strong burden to help the people in Uganda but know that right now God has me here. There is such a need for teaching and discipleship. I believe God is working on many regarding this training and pray that God's will, will become mans desire. To those who are reading this I ask for you to pray that God will put into place the training that these people are in need of and asking for.
There are many who are in need over in Uganda but I believe that God has given a burden that will help the people in their spiritual needs and physical needs. There is something in the spiritual realm going on right now and God is looking for those who are listening to His calling.
I believe that God wants more than just service by mouth but God is looking for people to give to bless because God has given to them. I am going to be posting some information on here regarding how you can become a sponsor of a young child in Uganda. If you can't do that I ask you to please pray that God will use someone else to give to these children. There is a big need and sometimes we forget that to give the spiritual needs of child of God we must supply there physical needs as well.
I don't know what to say more than this.... Uganda changed my life and my outlook on what God wants from me. I pray that you will keep me in your prayers as I find a clear direction from God. Sometimes the will of God is clear but the waves seem to big. However, we know the Lord in the bottom of the boat who is sleeping and saying "trust me".
Thank you to everyone who kept us in your prayers during our time in Africa. You're prayers were answered and God had His way. The enemy fought in the ways he could but God WON! As there were 26 Trinitarian pastors who were baptized in Jesus name as well as 100 saints who now have taken on the name of Jesus. Please pray that these men and women of God will be able to move forward in this Jesus name message walking fully in truth and standing against the enemy in Jesus name. Also pray that those who have not received the Holy Ghost will receive an upper room experience.
Together with Christ we can see a world wide revival that changes lives!
I feel this strong burden to help the people in Uganda but know that right now God has me here. There is such a need for teaching and discipleship. I believe God is working on many regarding this training and pray that God's will, will become mans desire. To those who are reading this I ask for you to pray that God will put into place the training that these people are in need of and asking for.
There are many who are in need over in Uganda but I believe that God has given a burden that will help the people in their spiritual needs and physical needs. There is something in the spiritual realm going on right now and God is looking for those who are listening to His calling.
I believe that God wants more than just service by mouth but God is looking for people to give to bless because God has given to them. I am going to be posting some information on here regarding how you can become a sponsor of a young child in Uganda. If you can't do that I ask you to please pray that God will use someone else to give to these children. There is a big need and sometimes we forget that to give the spiritual needs of child of God we must supply there physical needs as well.
I don't know what to say more than this.... Uganda changed my life and my outlook on what God wants from me. I pray that you will keep me in your prayers as I find a clear direction from God. Sometimes the will of God is clear but the waves seem to big. However, we know the Lord in the bottom of the boat who is sleeping and saying "trust me".
Thank you to everyone who kept us in your prayers during our time in Africa. You're prayers were answered and God had His way. The enemy fought in the ways he could but God WON! As there were 26 Trinitarian pastors who were baptized in Jesus name as well as 100 saints who now have taken on the name of Jesus. Please pray that these men and women of God will be able to move forward in this Jesus name message walking fully in truth and standing against the enemy in Jesus name. Also pray that those who have not received the Holy Ghost will receive an upper room experience.
Together with Christ we can see a world wide revival that changes lives!
June 29, 2012
Last week there was a terrible natural disaster that took place in my own state. Minnesota was hit with one of the most puzzeling natural disasters I can remember. We don't see much up in this northern part of our country but last week our state was hit with a true sign of the end times.
After a days of rain and not just sprinkles but down poors the city of Duluth was hit with a flash flood. A city that in Minnesota we look at as being on of the most impossible places to flood it happend.
Roads caved in by the mighty strength of water and weakness of mans creation. Homes destroyed by water stealing families of memories and years of hard work. The zoo losts several barn animals unable to get to higher ground. All this loss is not in the hands of any man nor is this terrible situation in the control of those who wish they could have reversed what took place.
In this I write today to say.... we need to pray more then ever before. Some places that are located in low lands on the Red River seem to know the season of flooding too well but unfortionately no one is every prepared for the loss. I'm asking all who read this article to ban with me in prayer to allow the saints of God to hear the cry of those who are in need of support, love, compassion, help, and peace. No time is better to bring God to people then the time where they are reaching for help.
Prayer for the city of Duluth and the people there. May God strengthen them and guide their foot steps to the souls of those who are seeking. To strengthen them for the loss they have endured and allow them to be used as a vessel of honor as they through the Holy Ghost find the peace that this unexplainable.
After a days of rain and not just sprinkles but down poors the city of Duluth was hit with a flash flood. A city that in Minnesota we look at as being on of the most impossible places to flood it happend.
Roads caved in by the mighty strength of water and weakness of mans creation. Homes destroyed by water stealing families of memories and years of hard work. The zoo losts several barn animals unable to get to higher ground. All this loss is not in the hands of any man nor is this terrible situation in the control of those who wish they could have reversed what took place.
In this I write today to say.... we need to pray more then ever before. Some places that are located in low lands on the Red River seem to know the season of flooding too well but unfortionately no one is every prepared for the loss. I'm asking all who read this article to ban with me in prayer to allow the saints of God to hear the cry of those who are in need of support, love, compassion, help, and peace. No time is better to bring God to people then the time where they are reaching for help.
Prayer for the city of Duluth and the people there. May God strengthen them and guide their foot steps to the souls of those who are seeking. To strengthen them for the loss they have endured and allow them to be used as a vessel of honor as they through the Holy Ghost find the peace that this unexplainable.
June 6, 2012
There is always hope...
This past weekend we had a wonderful revival service with Brother and Sister Stovall from Pairs, Arkansas. What a wonderful couple full of love for people and so godly. It was a very good time in the Lord and showed me the true importance of living life for God.
Hope is something that we all long for but have a hard time holding on to. Well at least I do maybe everyone else doesn't. It seems that we have the faith we need to trust in God but when it comes to having hope when the situation is hopeless we believe but just not enough. The valley's in our life seem to much like home and not a temporary situation. We can only enjoy the flowers down in the valley so long before we really just need God to take us to the top of the mountain.
Today I'm writing with full faith in the hope that God brings in our complete last straw before desperation. People say that God knows what we can handle and that is so true but it isn't what we can handle but what we do when we feel the pressure. Do we take His hand like a little kid in need of their parents strength or do we wobble ourselves down the road in complete stubbornness. Using words like "I know", "I can do this", "I'm fine", "Nothing". All these words that I have found such a large part of my vocabulary lately and really I'm in need of my Father's hand. I'm in need of the strength that I can't muster up.
People say that I am bull headed and I truly can't disagree. Sometimes it is a good thing and sometimes it isn't. I blame my stubborn side on the mixture of strong heritage that is in my blood. Many years of strong women standing up for themselves and working hard. I just need to learn to balance it out and not live in it.
I've learned something in my short time of living for God. It isn't always what you can do but what you can't do. When you can do so much you lean on your own understanding instead of God's. When you can work hard you find that things come your way but in that you find yourself leaning on yourself instead of God. So, when the hard times come you find yourself weary from trying to work things that only God can.
I share this today to say their is always hope. No matter what happens, no matter who you are, or how stubborn or strong you think you are their is always hope to get through the situations that seems to never end. You will see the sky soon and get to the top of the mountain. It may not be in the way you tried to figure it out but it will be perfect. He knows and will see you through it all.
Hope is something that we all long for but have a hard time holding on to. Well at least I do maybe everyone else doesn't. It seems that we have the faith we need to trust in God but when it comes to having hope when the situation is hopeless we believe but just not enough. The valley's in our life seem to much like home and not a temporary situation. We can only enjoy the flowers down in the valley so long before we really just need God to take us to the top of the mountain.
Today I'm writing with full faith in the hope that God brings in our complete last straw before desperation. People say that God knows what we can handle and that is so true but it isn't what we can handle but what we do when we feel the pressure. Do we take His hand like a little kid in need of their parents strength or do we wobble ourselves down the road in complete stubbornness. Using words like "I know", "I can do this", "I'm fine", "Nothing". All these words that I have found such a large part of my vocabulary lately and really I'm in need of my Father's hand. I'm in need of the strength that I can't muster up.
People say that I am bull headed and I truly can't disagree. Sometimes it is a good thing and sometimes it isn't. I blame my stubborn side on the mixture of strong heritage that is in my blood. Many years of strong women standing up for themselves and working hard. I just need to learn to balance it out and not live in it.
I've learned something in my short time of living for God. It isn't always what you can do but what you can't do. When you can do so much you lean on your own understanding instead of God's. When you can work hard you find that things come your way but in that you find yourself leaning on yourself instead of God. So, when the hard times come you find yourself weary from trying to work things that only God can.
I share this today to say their is always hope. No matter what happens, no matter who you are, or how stubborn or strong you think you are their is always hope to get through the situations that seems to never end. You will see the sky soon and get to the top of the mountain. It may not be in the way you tried to figure it out but it will be perfect. He knows and will see you through it all.
May 27, 2012
History and Family...
As I rode through the lush trails of the land that once was my families stomping grounds I found myself moved by the thought that so much history lies on that very ground. History that tells the story of my Great-Great Grandma Meyers and her love for the Lord. Her hours spent on her knees praying to the God she worshiped in music and conversation. A woman who I never knew but know was a woman who I'd like to have known.
I have always had an interest in the history of my family. The stories of the homeland and the strong women who stood by their men as they worked long and hard to provide for their families by the land they were given. A life that portrayed the servant heart and the strong working hands that worked to provide for the family. The stories of the old time church meetings that were surrounded with fear of God and homes full of prayerful dinner tables. That is to me a history that I pray I never forget a history that I may, Lord will, teach my family of.
Many times in my life I wondered what it would feel like to go back into time and live the lives that make up my families heritage. To spend some time with the ladies who baked from scratch, picked the eggs for breakfast, milked the cows, and cleaned the close with a pot of water that was heated over the stove. To not know what it was like to shower daily, put on deodorant, or possibly even know what it felt like to have shaved legs or even being able to see clearly because the family didn't have enough money to get glasses. Could I really imagine what it would be like to live a life the way my family lived?
My family history on the Meyers side is so amazing to me and every time I go out that way I find myself amazed at the history and how the people in that area still try and keep it. Farmers still farm the land that there great grandparents first settled on as well as take care of the cemetery that has only a couple families represented. What a beauty to have such strong people who desire to keep the history of their town together, but what beauty to know that they still see value in the old time ways.
I've came to realize one thing and that is what a beautiful thing God did in designing man kind. His intention for us was to keep the ways that once were but the choose made by Adam and Eve started the evolution of what we see happening today. Sin and the mind of the corrupt man has tainted the things that once were intended for thankfulness into things of lesser value. The kind of things that taught hard work and appreciation, the kind of things that made man's heart grateful and in need of God.
A time when men worked to provide for their families and had scared hands to show it. Where women brought honor to their husbands and worked to nurture their children and love their husbands. A time when kids respected their elders and learned from their stories. A time when families gathered together for prayer and a time in the Word together. When Sunday was looked upon as the day of rest and even the local store closed down so that all would go to the house of worship. A time when children were children and not caused to grow up before their time. Where teachers were respected and students listened in fear they would be punished for their actions. When kids had one nice outfit to wear to church and shinned their shoes to make sure they gave their best to God.
Yes, not all places were like this and yes not all families were like this but through a time in history something took place and it wasn't for the better. I don't complain about the things that we have that they didn't then. I can go in an outhouse and not care but I don't know if I would like to do that all the time. I am not afraid of hard labor but I'm not sure if I'd like to milk a cow and pick the eggs before being able to eat. However, I also know that if I was raised that way I would know no different and maybe I'd look at life different.
I'm puzzled tonight as I write on the history and family life that we now have became acustomed to. Is it what I'd want to have for my family or will it be important to show my children the things of the past that we must not forget. The kind of things that build good Christian character and understanding, respect and value, as well as honor and morals.
I want to never forget the things that God loves and the heritage that makes me who I am. The lessons that God used to teach His people in the Old Testament are the same lessons that our families lived by. The one thing that families were built on and that was fear of God. They were built on the rock and they knew that it was God that got them through the tough times.
I want to remember the things that God wants and the things that I can learn from those who lived before me. To honor the people who fought for my freedom, to those who worked hard to provide for my loved ones, and to never forget that God was right there in the mist.
I have always had an interest in the history of my family. The stories of the homeland and the strong women who stood by their men as they worked long and hard to provide for their families by the land they were given. A life that portrayed the servant heart and the strong working hands that worked to provide for the family. The stories of the old time church meetings that were surrounded with fear of God and homes full of prayerful dinner tables. That is to me a history that I pray I never forget a history that I may, Lord will, teach my family of.
Many times in my life I wondered what it would feel like to go back into time and live the lives that make up my families heritage. To spend some time with the ladies who baked from scratch, picked the eggs for breakfast, milked the cows, and cleaned the close with a pot of water that was heated over the stove. To not know what it was like to shower daily, put on deodorant, or possibly even know what it felt like to have shaved legs or even being able to see clearly because the family didn't have enough money to get glasses. Could I really imagine what it would be like to live a life the way my family lived?
My family history on the Meyers side is so amazing to me and every time I go out that way I find myself amazed at the history and how the people in that area still try and keep it. Farmers still farm the land that there great grandparents first settled on as well as take care of the cemetery that has only a couple families represented. What a beauty to have such strong people who desire to keep the history of their town together, but what beauty to know that they still see value in the old time ways.
I've came to realize one thing and that is what a beautiful thing God did in designing man kind. His intention for us was to keep the ways that once were but the choose made by Adam and Eve started the evolution of what we see happening today. Sin and the mind of the corrupt man has tainted the things that once were intended for thankfulness into things of lesser value. The kind of things that taught hard work and appreciation, the kind of things that made man's heart grateful and in need of God.
A time when men worked to provide for their families and had scared hands to show it. Where women brought honor to their husbands and worked to nurture their children and love their husbands. A time when kids respected their elders and learned from their stories. A time when families gathered together for prayer and a time in the Word together. When Sunday was looked upon as the day of rest and even the local store closed down so that all would go to the house of worship. A time when children were children and not caused to grow up before their time. Where teachers were respected and students listened in fear they would be punished for their actions. When kids had one nice outfit to wear to church and shinned their shoes to make sure they gave their best to God.
Yes, not all places were like this and yes not all families were like this but through a time in history something took place and it wasn't for the better. I don't complain about the things that we have that they didn't then. I can go in an outhouse and not care but I don't know if I would like to do that all the time. I am not afraid of hard labor but I'm not sure if I'd like to milk a cow and pick the eggs before being able to eat. However, I also know that if I was raised that way I would know no different and maybe I'd look at life different.
I'm puzzled tonight as I write on the history and family life that we now have became acustomed to. Is it what I'd want to have for my family or will it be important to show my children the things of the past that we must not forget. The kind of things that build good Christian character and understanding, respect and value, as well as honor and morals.
I want to never forget the things that God loves and the heritage that makes me who I am. The lessons that God used to teach His people in the Old Testament are the same lessons that our families lived by. The one thing that families were built on and that was fear of God. They were built on the rock and they knew that it was God that got them through the tough times.
I want to remember the things that God wants and the things that I can learn from those who lived before me. To honor the people who fought for my freedom, to those who worked hard to provide for my loved ones, and to never forget that God was right there in the mist.
May 25, 2012
More Giving...
Have you ever thought for a minute all that you have, compared to all you are willing to give up? So often we can say that we are giving it all to God but for some of us, like myself, I don't feel that I really have. I give of my time and maybe a couple hours here and there. But my day is filled with work, house work, and some special time with God. I send a couple emails to my friends and check a little of the nonsense on Facebook, do a couple bible studies, study for a lesson, play the piano a little, and then I'm back to the daily routine of work.
As I evaluate my life and the very few sacrifices that I have made I feel that there is more to life then the daily routines that make up my day. An accomplishment of my day comes with more then a little sweat above my brow and some tears from my prayers to God. I know that I don't speak for all when I speak this but today I know that I have a heart beat to do more then just what I feel but what He is asking.
Today I'm truly feeling the pain and watching the hand of God provide in the mist of my sincere giving but lack of understanding. I have been blessed beyond measure and even more so if not for myself but my family. God has given me two parents who have been able to provide me with all the fleshly wants of my life and if not to purchase them to give me the skills to attain them or give me love.
I write today with great conviction and find myself in a different place with how I see what I give to God. How I live my life to please Him and show how much I really love Him. It is my desire from this day forward to fast like I have never fasted. To see through spiritual eyes the things that God sees. We keep our purity for the one who we will marry but sometimes we are more willing to give that up then give more to God.
I speak all of this from my own heart. Each have their own relationship with God and as God deals with me on sacrifice I ask that you see what God is asking of you. It may not be the same for you but there is always something God is trying to teach us and show us. From sacfrice to prayer to fasting to reading the Word to attitude changes to sincere worship and the list goes on with all we deal with.
Let your love grow and your spiritual eyes see the things that are ownly understood by the spirit.
As I evaluate my life and the very few sacrifices that I have made I feel that there is more to life then the daily routines that make up my day. An accomplishment of my day comes with more then a little sweat above my brow and some tears from my prayers to God. I know that I don't speak for all when I speak this but today I know that I have a heart beat to do more then just what I feel but what He is asking.
Today I'm truly feeling the pain and watching the hand of God provide in the mist of my sincere giving but lack of understanding. I have been blessed beyond measure and even more so if not for myself but my family. God has given me two parents who have been able to provide me with all the fleshly wants of my life and if not to purchase them to give me the skills to attain them or give me love.
I write today with great conviction and find myself in a different place with how I see what I give to God. How I live my life to please Him and show how much I really love Him. It is my desire from this day forward to fast like I have never fasted. To see through spiritual eyes the things that God sees. We keep our purity for the one who we will marry but sometimes we are more willing to give that up then give more to God.
I speak all of this from my own heart. Each have their own relationship with God and as God deals with me on sacrifice I ask that you see what God is asking of you. It may not be the same for you but there is always something God is trying to teach us and show us. From sacfrice to prayer to fasting to reading the Word to attitude changes to sincere worship and the list goes on with all we deal with.
Let your love grow and your spiritual eyes see the things that are ownly understood by the spirit.
May 18, 2012
Family is everything...
I just about missed my weekly post but here I am before the end of the day!
Things here in the great up north are wonderful and beautiful. Weather is warm and the sun is kissing our white skin. The joy of life is full of anticipation and full of new adventures. Summer always brings new things for me. I never know what the warm weather is going to do to me. I love this time of year as we get to take off the many layers, while still staying modest, and enjoy the beautiful landscape of Rainy Lake.
Lately we received news at work that our beloved, Mr. Wyatt will be leaving us for greener pastures. As much as we will miss his warm smile and wonderful customer service skills we are happy for him. We of course are praying in our own sadness for losing him that he will be blessed and be happy in his new occupation.
Since I was a little girl I've always thought of every employee here as family. I grew up with many uncles around some that probably were not the best example but always kind and warm hearted. Working in a small business you learn fast that you can either embrace those who are around you or live a life with no additions to the family unit. Being that we are a family owned and operated business we adopt all that work for us and bring them into the family unit. We care about them as if they were blood and feel their pain when they are having a hard time. So as you can imagine the loss of someone in the family to another job is always hard, but like any family we keep going and be happy for them. Stretching our love to them there and opening our arms to another addition.
Farm days at the Meyers Farm today (May 18, 2012). All the young kids from our area schools travel to the farm to enjoy Farm Days, Old McDonald style. These kids from Pre-School to Kindergarden get to experience hay rides, bunnies, cows, horses, ponies, and all sorts of different farm animals. Farm Days has been going on since the early eighties and has been like clock work every year during May. My grandparents love it and every year I can't believe how excited the young kids are.
I pray you are all blessed by the beauty that God has blessed us with and the family we have to share it with. Enjoy your weekends and live life like Jesus would want you to. Enjoy the beauty of His way and celebrate the wonderful blessings in your life. Embrace the family you have and open your arms to the many who will enter in too.
Things here in the great up north are wonderful and beautiful. Weather is warm and the sun is kissing our white skin. The joy of life is full of anticipation and full of new adventures. Summer always brings new things for me. I never know what the warm weather is going to do to me. I love this time of year as we get to take off the many layers, while still staying modest, and enjoy the beautiful landscape of Rainy Lake.
Lately we received news at work that our beloved, Mr. Wyatt will be leaving us for greener pastures. As much as we will miss his warm smile and wonderful customer service skills we are happy for him. We of course are praying in our own sadness for losing him that he will be blessed and be happy in his new occupation.
Since I was a little girl I've always thought of every employee here as family. I grew up with many uncles around some that probably were not the best example but always kind and warm hearted. Working in a small business you learn fast that you can either embrace those who are around you or live a life with no additions to the family unit. Being that we are a family owned and operated business we adopt all that work for us and bring them into the family unit. We care about them as if they were blood and feel their pain when they are having a hard time. So as you can imagine the loss of someone in the family to another job is always hard, but like any family we keep going and be happy for them. Stretching our love to them there and opening our arms to another addition.
Farm days at the Meyers Farm today (May 18, 2012). All the young kids from our area schools travel to the farm to enjoy Farm Days, Old McDonald style. These kids from Pre-School to Kindergarden get to experience hay rides, bunnies, cows, horses, ponies, and all sorts of different farm animals. Farm Days has been going on since the early eighties and has been like clock work every year during May. My grandparents love it and every year I can't believe how excited the young kids are.
I pray you are all blessed by the beauty that God has blessed us with and the family we have to share it with. Enjoy your weekends and live life like Jesus would want you to. Enjoy the beauty of His way and celebrate the wonderful blessings in your life. Embrace the family you have and open your arms to the many who will enter in too.
May 9, 2012
What I can see...
Lately I've been in need of answers, direction, and an understanding. In that time I've seen the power of prayer work and the true value it has in our lives. Not in times of trouble but in times of refreshing and clarity. Prayer is the venue in which all things can be cleansed and made clear. It is like cleaning your glasses after having hairspray on them. It is the one thing that connects us to the source in which all cares can be taken care of and focus can be made.
In our own carnality we struggle with direction and see things through foggy glasses. At a surface level things are not clear but they are still in focus. It isn't completely blurry but in your heart you know it isn't just what it should be. That is the time that we know that we are in need of some clarity and should desire that everyday of our life.
After a couple of weeks of praying and fasting for direction from God I believe I have received my answer. Sometimes we stress so much on making things work out that we can't see passed the foggy glass to see into the realm of sharp, bright, godly, clarity.
I speak from my own experience with all of this and say that I have always believed in prayer and believed in a faith that goes beyond seeing but I've also gotten to places where I've given up praying for a while instead of being persistent and what I know.
What I can see is that God is a all powerful and all knowing God. He will stress us in the mist of the biggest trials and give us answers at the last string. I find myself honored that God knows me so well that he will help me clear the foggy glasses and see clearly at the time when I can't handle anymore.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not talking about foggy from sin I'm talking foggy from just being tired. You know when you are so tired from doing something that your body feels like it will pass out. I'm speaking of that. The time in which we can not do anymore.
I believe in a prayerful and fasting lifestyle and know that it works. I may have had to feel a little frustrated for some time but I got the answers I needed and now I can watch as another puzzle piece is put into play in my chess game of a life.
Pray like you've never prayed and fast like you've never fasted. It is such a rewarding feeling to know that when you give it all in sacrificing the flesh you can truly see God work miracles.
In our own carnality we struggle with direction and see things through foggy glasses. At a surface level things are not clear but they are still in focus. It isn't completely blurry but in your heart you know it isn't just what it should be. That is the time that we know that we are in need of some clarity and should desire that everyday of our life.
After a couple of weeks of praying and fasting for direction from God I believe I have received my answer. Sometimes we stress so much on making things work out that we can't see passed the foggy glass to see into the realm of sharp, bright, godly, clarity.
I speak from my own experience with all of this and say that I have always believed in prayer and believed in a faith that goes beyond seeing but I've also gotten to places where I've given up praying for a while instead of being persistent and what I know.
What I can see is that God is a all powerful and all knowing God. He will stress us in the mist of the biggest trials and give us answers at the last string. I find myself honored that God knows me so well that he will help me clear the foggy glasses and see clearly at the time when I can't handle anymore.
Now don't get me wrong I'm not talking about foggy from sin I'm talking foggy from just being tired. You know when you are so tired from doing something that your body feels like it will pass out. I'm speaking of that. The time in which we can not do anymore.
I believe in a prayerful and fasting lifestyle and know that it works. I may have had to feel a little frustrated for some time but I got the answers I needed and now I can watch as another puzzle piece is put into play in my chess game of a life.
Pray like you've never prayed and fast like you've never fasted. It is such a rewarding feeling to know that when you give it all in sacrificing the flesh you can truly see God work miracles.
April 30, 2012
Beauty of Life...
The smell of fresh cut grass and the warmth of the sun kissed my cheeks with delight. There is something about nature that makes my heart beat with excitement and my life fill with life. Something about the change in the season that reminds me that life is living and that is what we should be reminded of daily... God lives and so should we in Him.
This weekend was beautiful and so full of accomplishments. So often I intend to do something productive like clean my house or try a new recipe I found but things change when I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. It doesn't matter if I just see it... it is when I feel it that all energy comes into my heart. I feel like I could run a marathon or climb a mountain.
Sometimes our attitudes can be so stuck in a routine of life that we find ourselves so stuck. So unaware of our true need for a swift kick of life.
Take time to enjoy life and the beauty that God has blessed you with. If you enjoy the sun take a few minutes to let it kiss your skin. If you enjoy the sound of the birds, sit outside and take in the sound of their music. Enjoy the little things because life will take them away from you if you don't. Live your life don't let it live you.
I look at my life and I've found that even at a young age I have missed out on time that I spent feeling like I just couldn't. It was energy that was put to the inability instead of using that time of a few enjoyable minutes of living that minute. Fear, insecurity, sickness, and excuses used up time in my life to just enjoy each minute.
Life is beautiful and so is the Lord we serve. He has blessed us with so many things that we just don't take the time to enjoy. God loves beauty and that in which He created... why do you think he rested for a day? Or even said after everything it is good?
Enjoy the things God has given you and the beauty of life. Jesus lives so that we can live and sometimes we just stay in bondage to life. Enjoy life in Christ and the things that He wants and has blessed you with. LIVE! And live free....
This weekend was beautiful and so full of accomplishments. So often I intend to do something productive like clean my house or try a new recipe I found but things change when I feel the warmth of the sun on my skin. It doesn't matter if I just see it... it is when I feel it that all energy comes into my heart. I feel like I could run a marathon or climb a mountain.
Sometimes our attitudes can be so stuck in a routine of life that we find ourselves so stuck. So unaware of our true need for a swift kick of life.
Take time to enjoy life and the beauty that God has blessed you with. If you enjoy the sun take a few minutes to let it kiss your skin. If you enjoy the sound of the birds, sit outside and take in the sound of their music. Enjoy the little things because life will take them away from you if you don't. Live your life don't let it live you.
I look at my life and I've found that even at a young age I have missed out on time that I spent feeling like I just couldn't. It was energy that was put to the inability instead of using that time of a few enjoyable minutes of living that minute. Fear, insecurity, sickness, and excuses used up time in my life to just enjoy each minute.
Life is beautiful and so is the Lord we serve. He has blessed us with so many things that we just don't take the time to enjoy. God loves beauty and that in which He created... why do you think he rested for a day? Or even said after everything it is good?
Enjoy the things God has given you and the beauty of life. Jesus lives so that we can live and sometimes we just stay in bondage to life. Enjoy life in Christ and the things that He wants and has blessed you with. LIVE! And live free....
April 27, 2012
Praise Report...
Without sharing to much I will say that when we take those steps of faith when God says step.... it works. OBEY IT!!!!
Today after determining in my heart I was going to make the step he spoke... God blessed in ways that I didn't think would happen. I have learned that when we step back and look at things the way God does we will see that the only way we will see change is if we can take the step towards it.
So praise report to brighten up your weekend and start you into a new week. Take those little steps of faith.. those steps when it seems that you just can't see the end and you just can't see passed the situation.
It is interesting how boldness comes with strength, strength with obedience, and obedience with faith. They all connect in some way and in my situation all tied together coming down with FAITH! I'm looking forward to this next step in my life and of course will share with you when... well when all things fall into place.
Thank you all for your feedback either through comments or by emails. Your words of encouragement keep me writing and help me see that there are those out there who really are getting touched by what God has done in my life. Don't stop speaking, don't sit down and feel you need to be like everyone else. We are all made to help build the kingdom of God in every way we can. If there is anything that inspires me more is to hear from others who have taken something I learned and applied it to their live and saw results. How hearing about a situation that I was able to get through helped them stay strong THROUGH Christ until the end.
Smile..... Don't stop smiling! AND most of all don't stop praising God because you have praise reports too!
Today after determining in my heart I was going to make the step he spoke... God blessed in ways that I didn't think would happen. I have learned that when we step back and look at things the way God does we will see that the only way we will see change is if we can take the step towards it.
So praise report to brighten up your weekend and start you into a new week. Take those little steps of faith.. those steps when it seems that you just can't see the end and you just can't see passed the situation.
It is interesting how boldness comes with strength, strength with obedience, and obedience with faith. They all connect in some way and in my situation all tied together coming down with FAITH! I'm looking forward to this next step in my life and of course will share with you when... well when all things fall into place.
Thank you all for your feedback either through comments or by emails. Your words of encouragement keep me writing and help me see that there are those out there who really are getting touched by what God has done in my life. Don't stop speaking, don't sit down and feel you need to be like everyone else. We are all made to help build the kingdom of God in every way we can. If there is anything that inspires me more is to hear from others who have taken something I learned and applied it to their live and saw results. How hearing about a situation that I was able to get through helped them stay strong THROUGH Christ until the end.
Smile..... Don't stop smiling! AND most of all don't stop praising God because you have praise reports too!
April 25, 2012
In the Mist of the Dark...
As much as I believe in doing something that is good. I was saddened at the posters that were in shreds the day after young students posted fliers around International Falls and Littlefork.
Being that I am going to be going to Uganda in a matter of only months I find this launch of awareness as being a little disturbing. Don't get me wrong I think that this man needs to be stopped but I don't feel that posting awareness this way will be the source in which he will be stopped. I feel that if our young people believe enough in stopping this man that they must put their time and energy into speaking to the higher powers, government, among us who will be able to stop him.
During passed and present wars young people spoke their rights with pride and conviction as they sat on the steps of government agencies. Some even went as far as causing riots and breaking out in violence that caused nothing more then more hurt and pain. Not that I agree with their tactics I believe in their passion to make an effort to see things changed.
God's people are called to be a peculiar people. We are commanded to go out and speak the good Word to all. However, I have found that it is a difficult task for our young people to do. It is hard to be set apart and to stand on the things that are right. Like the young people did in my community this passed weekend they will stand for what is right in the black of the night to pin up signs that only last a night because of the rain but will not go to the government doors to speak in a respectful way to stand for what is right.
Please do not get my wrong I believe that what these young kids did was good and that they do believe in what they are doing, but do others? Many people around our community spoke against the signs that were hanging around town because they didn't know what KONY 2012 even meant. To the older generation it was just litter that had no purpose being put around our town.
In the mist of the night a group of young people posted posters around our community but in the mist of the day no one was informed on what they really meant. The older generation stood puzzled as they knew nothing about the cry of the silent child. Are we really getting the word out?
I'm stumped today as I think of this concept with living for God. We can't expect our young people and even older people to stand up for God in the mist of the night but not go out with voices through out the days.
We can be set apart with our dress and our attire but what is it that will get the message across. It won't be a sign or a poster that hangs in the doorway it will be the testimony in the light that shines in the darkness.
Our God is light... is our work being done in the light or is it being done in the mist of the darkness when questions are not answered? In a place where we are hiding because we can't voice and stand for things in fear that someone might come at us?
Be strong and know that God is with us and if He is then who can be against us. I'm sending out the challenge today... are you really willing to stand apart or are you afraid of what others may say?
April 24, 2012
Give of Your Talent...
Matthew 25:14-18
Look around you. Do you see what God has blessed you with? If you were to really think about what God has blessed you with you might be surprised to realize that you don't share that with many people. I'm talking about the ability to do something everyday that will bless more then just you. Not what you can do in the church but what you can do outside the church doors.
Is your life a testimony of what talents God has given to you in a humble way? Do you use the abilities you have to give glory to God in every day situations? Can people see that you are using your talent and that there is just something special about what you do?
Think about what God has given you today. Take a look at your life and see if you are really using your talents for God. I'm not talking about in the church... I'm talking about in your day to day life. I'm talking about what you do when you are outside the church doors because we have all been commanded to go out and preach. Your life is what will preach and if you are using the talents God has given you... your life will preach to all nations, tribes, and tongues right in the comfort of your daily life.
Come on lets take a challenge!
For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods. And unto one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one; to every man according to his several ability; and straightway took his journey. Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents. And likewise he that had received two, he also gained other two. But he that had received one went and digged in the earth, and hid his lord's money.Last night while I vacuumed my house I was reminded of something. God has given us each a talent and it is our responsibility to use it. As I looked around my house I saw all the many little blessings God has given me.
Look around you. Do you see what God has blessed you with? If you were to really think about what God has blessed you with you might be surprised to realize that you don't share that with many people. I'm talking about the ability to do something everyday that will bless more then just you. Not what you can do in the church but what you can do outside the church doors.
Is your life a testimony of what talents God has given to you in a humble way? Do you use the abilities you have to give glory to God in every day situations? Can people see that you are using your talent and that there is just something special about what you do?
Think about what God has given you today. Take a look at your life and see if you are really using your talents for God. I'm not talking about in the church... I'm talking about in your day to day life. I'm talking about what you do when you are outside the church doors because we have all been commanded to go out and preach. Your life is what will preach and if you are using the talents God has given you... your life will preach to all nations, tribes, and tongues right in the comfort of your daily life.
Come on lets take a challenge!
April 17, 2012
Stubborn and Strong...
As a young girl I was energetic, talkative, creative, and some may say very confident. As I got older I found myself discouraged in confidence, less likely to dance around, and more likely to listen then be the first to speak. Times changed and situations made my life what it is today but there are two characteristics that never were taken from me and that was my stubbornness and my strength that made me what I am.
Yesterday while I was looking at the overview of how many people have been looking at my page I was brought to a page of the ways that people found my blog. One of the google searches that was used was "having sex with an apostolic girl". Of course because of the words "apostolic girl" they were given my blog as one of the results. I pray they found out quick that they won't be getting what they thought as this strong and stubborn girl isn't weak.
I have had people tell me that putting my name on my blog was not wise. In fact some told me that I shouldn't just because there are weird people out there but I'm to stubborn to let someone stop me from voicing my beliefs and giving encouragement to those young girls who have found themselves in the same boat as me. Those young girls who have lost their energetic, fun loving self in the mist of trying to be the "ideal" girl and help them understand like I had to that they can get back what they feel was stolen and still be the godly girls/women they are called to be.
In a recent article a columnist wrote about how young girls are no longer little girls anymore. How society and the media have came together to destroy the energetic, talkative, creative, and confident young girls. The kind of girls who would sing a song about a turnip in the onion patch, dance with flaying arms and legs resembling a kick boxer more then a dancer, and drive a car that was made out of their closet as they closed the door and drove to the store with their teddy bear in the front seat with them. What happened to our young girls?
We now have girls who dance with hips that move in ways that they do not understand why, dress with shirts that are so low that when they play they fall down and show their chests that haven't developed yet, they wear real make up to school, and listen to songs like "shake it for me girl... shake it for me".
As I sit here writing I find myself wanting more then ever to stand up for what is right and voice my opinion regarding what makes a woman a woman. Have we lost so much of the passed that we can't see that searches like "having sex with an apostolic girl" are only a result of our not training our young girls how to be young girls. Teaching them to be stubborn and strong for the beliefs they have and the things they stand for. Stealing them of their innocence and truly making them into sex objects so that they feel their only true value is that which comes from a man.
Being a woman is a beautiful thing and in God's way can be beautiful when a man is attracted by the things that make a woman truly a woman. We have been made in the likeness of God to glorify Him in the beauty of His holiness. We have been made as fine gems as we grow closer to Him and shine in the virtue of the godly temples He designed us to be. Young girls will only be young girls if we show them what being a woman really is. Think about it....
Growing up the image of a woman that was portrayed was that which was pure. Our examples where mothers who desired for their girls to be girls and even more so they dresses us to be just that. Easter dresses were of flowers and frills with white gloves, shiny shoes, and hats. This was my time... when I grew up!
What was portrayed to me was that of a mother and a loving wife. Because my grandpa had a farm which I loved I desired to be a farmers wife and live off the land. That was the image to me of a good woman so what did I pretend. I pretended to be a farmers wife, with a baby, that cooked, baked, and cleaned while my husband did chores.
I'm praying today for all the young woman, mothers, and girls who are either examples or growing up. It is time for statements like "having sex with an apostolic girl" to make us stand strong for the things that are right and not just make us afraid and say well that is the sign of the end times. It is time for our young women to stand strong in the church and say I want young girls to know that they can keep their purity, innocence, and childhood.
Yesterday while I was looking at the overview of how many people have been looking at my page I was brought to a page of the ways that people found my blog. One of the google searches that was used was "having sex with an apostolic girl". Of course because of the words "apostolic girl" they were given my blog as one of the results. I pray they found out quick that they won't be getting what they thought as this strong and stubborn girl isn't weak.
I have had people tell me that putting my name on my blog was not wise. In fact some told me that I shouldn't just because there are weird people out there but I'm to stubborn to let someone stop me from voicing my beliefs and giving encouragement to those young girls who have found themselves in the same boat as me. Those young girls who have lost their energetic, fun loving self in the mist of trying to be the "ideal" girl and help them understand like I had to that they can get back what they feel was stolen and still be the godly girls/women they are called to be.
In a recent article a columnist wrote about how young girls are no longer little girls anymore. How society and the media have came together to destroy the energetic, talkative, creative, and confident young girls. The kind of girls who would sing a song about a turnip in the onion patch, dance with flaying arms and legs resembling a kick boxer more then a dancer, and drive a car that was made out of their closet as they closed the door and drove to the store with their teddy bear in the front seat with them. What happened to our young girls?
We now have girls who dance with hips that move in ways that they do not understand why, dress with shirts that are so low that when they play they fall down and show their chests that haven't developed yet, they wear real make up to school, and listen to songs like "shake it for me girl... shake it for me".
As I sit here writing I find myself wanting more then ever to stand up for what is right and voice my opinion regarding what makes a woman a woman. Have we lost so much of the passed that we can't see that searches like "having sex with an apostolic girl" are only a result of our not training our young girls how to be young girls. Teaching them to be stubborn and strong for the beliefs they have and the things they stand for. Stealing them of their innocence and truly making them into sex objects so that they feel their only true value is that which comes from a man.
Being a woman is a beautiful thing and in God's way can be beautiful when a man is attracted by the things that make a woman truly a woman. We have been made in the likeness of God to glorify Him in the beauty of His holiness. We have been made as fine gems as we grow closer to Him and shine in the virtue of the godly temples He designed us to be. Young girls will only be young girls if we show them what being a woman really is. Think about it....
Growing up the image of a woman that was portrayed was that which was pure. Our examples where mothers who desired for their girls to be girls and even more so they dresses us to be just that. Easter dresses were of flowers and frills with white gloves, shiny shoes, and hats. This was my time... when I grew up!
What was portrayed to me was that of a mother and a loving wife. Because my grandpa had a farm which I loved I desired to be a farmers wife and live off the land. That was the image to me of a good woman so what did I pretend. I pretended to be a farmers wife, with a baby, that cooked, baked, and cleaned while my husband did chores.
I'm praying today for all the young woman, mothers, and girls who are either examples or growing up. It is time for statements like "having sex with an apostolic girl" to make us stand strong for the things that are right and not just make us afraid and say well that is the sign of the end times. It is time for our young women to stand strong in the church and say I want young girls to know that they can keep their purity, innocence, and childhood.
April 16, 2012
What's next...
In our lives we get to a place where we wonder... what's next? Our faith is expanded as we trust in the mighty hand of God and know that He will take care of us but still we wonder what's next. I was moved by a statement made by Brother Richard Wittmeier during a Q&A of Launch Your Ministry at our Youth Convention this winter. He said "I am getting to a place in my life where I am looking to retire which will be a big change in my life but it doesn't mean that my ministry is over... it just means it will change. In ministry our work is always changing and will never get to a place where we feel like we have arrived".
Of course that was not word for word but what he was saying came down to the last statement, "in ministry our work is always changing no matter what age we are. We will never get to a place where we feel we arrived". There will always be a time in our lives when we feel like... what's next? Not in a way of always look to the future but knowing that in everything there is a season.
The word says " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time to war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes 3
No matter where we are in our lives we will be at a place where we can say... What next? A place when we look to the sky and can truthfully say in our hearts... God what do you want from me?
Recently in my life I've been brought some very difficult decisions ones that truly only God can direct me in. I know that no matter what is next that God will help me through it and help me put away my own fleshly desires to be in the right season at the right time. Sometimes getting to a place where I don't get what I want is a good thing which brings to me the importance of fasting in my life. Not always will I get what I desire and not always is it good for me to get it.
I share this with you today in deep conviction. Is my life truly a testimony of what God can do and will do or is it a testimony of what God could have done and didn't do? My prayer today is this... life comes our way and situations make it change with time. Dream, dreams and make plans but don't allow yourself to feel like you failed when God sends you on a different path.
Don't fear the season of your life nor the path that God is taking you on. I truly can say that no matter what the season and no matter what is next it is all worth it. There is a reason for everything in your life and sometimes it is a matter of you just enjoying what is the here and now.
Of course that was not word for word but what he was saying came down to the last statement, "in ministry our work is always changing no matter what age we are. We will never get to a place where we feel we arrived". There will always be a time in our lives when we feel like... what's next? Not in a way of always look to the future but knowing that in everything there is a season.
The word says " To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance; a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a time to hate; a time to war, and a time of peace. Ecclesiastes 3
No matter where we are in our lives we will be at a place where we can say... What next? A place when we look to the sky and can truthfully say in our hearts... God what do you want from me?
Recently in my life I've been brought some very difficult decisions ones that truly only God can direct me in. I know that no matter what is next that God will help me through it and help me put away my own fleshly desires to be in the right season at the right time. Sometimes getting to a place where I don't get what I want is a good thing which brings to me the importance of fasting in my life. Not always will I get what I desire and not always is it good for me to get it.
I share this with you today in deep conviction. Is my life truly a testimony of what God can do and will do or is it a testimony of what God could have done and didn't do? My prayer today is this... life comes our way and situations make it change with time. Dream, dreams and make plans but don't allow yourself to feel like you failed when God sends you on a different path.
Don't fear the season of your life nor the path that God is taking you on. I truly can say that no matter what the season and no matter what is next it is all worth it. There is a reason for everything in your life and sometimes it is a matter of you just enjoying what is the here and now.
April 10, 2012
I believe in love...
As I sit here thinking about choices, situations, consequences, and just plain life. I'm reminded of the scriptures that state if we just believe on Him and trust in His ways that He will give us all we need. Sometimes in those scriptures we are forced to think that as long as we believe that "He is" that we are okay to live life in the way we choose but really what are we choosing?
Love is such a strong emotion that even the body reacts. Heartbreak feels, sorrow wallows, and even passion thumps at the very reaction. I tell you I believe in the power of love.
For Christ so loved the world that He gave His life... No greater friend then a friend that would give up his life.
On Sunday as I listened to the dramatised scripture reading of the cross and the resurrection of Christ. I found myself feeling the love of Christ all over again. The same feeling I felt when I first stepped into the presence of God. A feeling of warmth and security a place where tears just filled my eyes at the very thought of that love.
As a child I remember this feeling when I sat in a hospital bed under a plastic tent receiving a breathing treatment. I was unable to get enough air and was so afraid that I wouldn't live. How do you explain to a four year old that she's going to be okay when all around her is plastic and nothing but a cold hospital bed to keep her warm? I wanted to feel the warmth of my mom's embrace and the sound of my dad's soothing voice.
As children of God we desire the same thing. We want to feel the embrace of the mother (the church) and the sound of the father's (God) voice. How do we get that? The embrace of the mother is really through the love of the Holy Ghost.
When I felt God the first time there was no one who was praying for me. It was in the middle of worship and the only thing I felt was the warm embrace of the spirit of God. I felt the love of the Holy Ghost and I felt that through the worship of the church.
Our love shows through our worship and the love of the God shows through the Holy Ghost. A person who really loves will show that love and live that love. I want for every person to feel this love and believe in the love of Christ. I believe that no matter what the embrace of the Holy Ghost will comfort any heart and wipe away ever fear. That through the Holy Ghost people will experience a love that is deeper then that of a parent.
I look back now and I see how the love of the Holy Ghost was with me in that hospital room. That the prayers of loved ones many miles away helped me feel the true love of the Father. I want to pray more then ever that I maybe used to show the love through worship, prayer, and a daily walk.
I believe in the power of love and that is because I believe in the power of the Holy Ghost.
Love is such a strong emotion that even the body reacts. Heartbreak feels, sorrow wallows, and even passion thumps at the very reaction. I tell you I believe in the power of love.
For Christ so loved the world that He gave His life... No greater friend then a friend that would give up his life.
On Sunday as I listened to the dramatised scripture reading of the cross and the resurrection of Christ. I found myself feeling the love of Christ all over again. The same feeling I felt when I first stepped into the presence of God. A feeling of warmth and security a place where tears just filled my eyes at the very thought of that love.
As a child I remember this feeling when I sat in a hospital bed under a plastic tent receiving a breathing treatment. I was unable to get enough air and was so afraid that I wouldn't live. How do you explain to a four year old that she's going to be okay when all around her is plastic and nothing but a cold hospital bed to keep her warm? I wanted to feel the warmth of my mom's embrace and the sound of my dad's soothing voice.
As children of God we desire the same thing. We want to feel the embrace of the mother (the church) and the sound of the father's (God) voice. How do we get that? The embrace of the mother is really through the love of the Holy Ghost.
When I felt God the first time there was no one who was praying for me. It was in the middle of worship and the only thing I felt was the warm embrace of the spirit of God. I felt the love of the Holy Ghost and I felt that through the worship of the church.
Our love shows through our worship and the love of the God shows through the Holy Ghost. A person who really loves will show that love and live that love. I want for every person to feel this love and believe in the love of Christ. I believe that no matter what the embrace of the Holy Ghost will comfort any heart and wipe away ever fear. That through the Holy Ghost people will experience a love that is deeper then that of a parent.
I look back now and I see how the love of the Holy Ghost was with me in that hospital room. That the prayers of loved ones many miles away helped me feel the true love of the Father. I want to pray more then ever that I maybe used to show the love through worship, prayer, and a daily walk.
I believe in the power of love and that is because I believe in the power of the Holy Ghost.
April 4, 2012
I'm Standing....
There is so much confusion going around right now. The lies that are being spoken and heard are so sly that even the church seems to be moved by the slippery words of the enemy. Words that bring confusion and distrust, words that cause division and distraction, words that breed a heart of drama and even words that steal the one thing that makes us different.
How can life be so hard when really 85% of the troubles in our life have to do with life and not God? When 75% of our situations in life are situational and will go away in a matter of days or maybe even years. If life is truly that bad then why are their so many people with lives that are in shambles and they are searching everywhere for an answer and they just need to look up?
Lately I've read several posts, articles, and even had conversations with people who have little or no faith in a higher power. They believe that as long as we are good people and we are trying to do good in the world that we have succeeded in life. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with doing good and wanting to do good, but the Bible says that there is nothing good under heaven that is not given by God. So to believe in good we must also believe in God because there is no way that we are just good because of who we are. We are only good through the power of the cross and the grace through His blood.
With that said I've came to this conclusion.... I'm Standing. No matter what anyone else says I know what is right and what is wrong. I know where my life once was without God and even though in peoples eyes it looked great, it wasn't. We can hide like pretty little porcelain dolls that don't react to anything but when we get into a situation when we feel like we are falling all we will do is shatter because in ourselves we don't have the strength to be lifted up on eagles wings.
Most people think that when you look at peoples lives who are standing strong on what they believe that they're lives are just a bed of roses. That they have no issues, that they don't have their own hidden secrets that hang in the closet never to be worn. In the closet they stay as a reminder of what God has done but not of what or who they are.
The lie of the enemy is quick to tell us that we have it worse then anyone else. Quick to think that life is greener on the other side of the fence but I'm here standing because I know that the other side of the fence is what brings adultery to the married man who sees a woman that is not his wife, fornication to the two young kids who spent to much time alone together, and death to the young girl who just went to the party to hang out with friends and instead wasn't strong enough to stay away from the drugs, drinking, smoking, and found herself in the middle of a drug deal gone wrong.
Without God in our lives we can't overcome the bad in this world. We are not protected by the situations that come our way but we are always promised a restful nights sleep when we trust, a heart full of love if we truly look to Him for the love, and an understanding that no matter what happens in our lives that if we are walking with God that we know we will see Him.
I'm standing.... I am going to do what is right and stand for the good things and without God I don't know what that is. With Him I know that I will be warm in the middle of a storming battle outside and no matter what the doctor tells me the great physician says I'm healed. Sometimes being healed is a mind thing and it is a matter of faith.
I'm standing, trusting, walking, and breathing the Jesus name message I live for. I am far from perfect and far from having a perfect bed of roses life, but I choose to live with Jesus with my head in the sky. I want to see the beauty that Jesus sees and I want to express the love that He has.
In the last days the Word says there will be many Antichrists and that there will be many false prophets. It is time for us to be intentional on the good things in life and stand firm on the solid rock, Jesus.
Love like you've never loved before, praise like you've never praised before, read the Word like you've never read before, pray like you've never prayed before.... the time has came for the church to become intentional about standing. Don't let yourself be swayed by the lies of the enemy stand knowing what is written and what you are living for. There are many voices but their is only one that is important.
How can life be so hard when really 85% of the troubles in our life have to do with life and not God? When 75% of our situations in life are situational and will go away in a matter of days or maybe even years. If life is truly that bad then why are their so many people with lives that are in shambles and they are searching everywhere for an answer and they just need to look up?
Lately I've read several posts, articles, and even had conversations with people who have little or no faith in a higher power. They believe that as long as we are good people and we are trying to do good in the world that we have succeeded in life. Don't get me wrong there is nothing wrong with doing good and wanting to do good, but the Bible says that there is nothing good under heaven that is not given by God. So to believe in good we must also believe in God because there is no way that we are just good because of who we are. We are only good through the power of the cross and the grace through His blood.
With that said I've came to this conclusion.... I'm Standing. No matter what anyone else says I know what is right and what is wrong. I know where my life once was without God and even though in peoples eyes it looked great, it wasn't. We can hide like pretty little porcelain dolls that don't react to anything but when we get into a situation when we feel like we are falling all we will do is shatter because in ourselves we don't have the strength to be lifted up on eagles wings.
Most people think that when you look at peoples lives who are standing strong on what they believe that they're lives are just a bed of roses. That they have no issues, that they don't have their own hidden secrets that hang in the closet never to be worn. In the closet they stay as a reminder of what God has done but not of what or who they are.
The lie of the enemy is quick to tell us that we have it worse then anyone else. Quick to think that life is greener on the other side of the fence but I'm here standing because I know that the other side of the fence is what brings adultery to the married man who sees a woman that is not his wife, fornication to the two young kids who spent to much time alone together, and death to the young girl who just went to the party to hang out with friends and instead wasn't strong enough to stay away from the drugs, drinking, smoking, and found herself in the middle of a drug deal gone wrong.
Without God in our lives we can't overcome the bad in this world. We are not protected by the situations that come our way but we are always promised a restful nights sleep when we trust, a heart full of love if we truly look to Him for the love, and an understanding that no matter what happens in our lives that if we are walking with God that we know we will see Him.
I'm standing.... I am going to do what is right and stand for the good things and without God I don't know what that is. With Him I know that I will be warm in the middle of a storming battle outside and no matter what the doctor tells me the great physician says I'm healed. Sometimes being healed is a mind thing and it is a matter of faith.
I'm standing, trusting, walking, and breathing the Jesus name message I live for. I am far from perfect and far from having a perfect bed of roses life, but I choose to live with Jesus with my head in the sky. I want to see the beauty that Jesus sees and I want to express the love that He has.
In the last days the Word says there will be many Antichrists and that there will be many false prophets. It is time for us to be intentional on the good things in life and stand firm on the solid rock, Jesus.
Love like you've never loved before, praise like you've never praised before, read the Word like you've never read before, pray like you've never prayed before.... the time has came for the church to become intentional about standing. Don't let yourself be swayed by the lies of the enemy stand knowing what is written and what you are living for. There are many voices but their is only one that is important.
March 27, 2012
Loss can bring revival....
This last week my family lost a very sweet woman. My Aunt Sharon passed on Monday March 19th after 8 1/2 years of battling cancer. She trusted in God's hand and strength, which gave her 8 1/2 more years with her family and brought her through the most trying times. Auntie Sharon was truly a woman of faith.
In the mist of all this sorrow and grief I have seen the true importance of showing the light of God through every trial of our life. Keeping our faith in the Creator and showing the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God is in control and the same God who spoke the universe into existence can turn all things for good. No matter what the situation, no matter how grime the news, God can make a horrible situation good.
Today as I write this I don't want to go on and on about the thoughts in my head. I want to say this... Sharon A. Fries will forever be missed. Her bright warming smile and warm gentle touch will be missed as a physical comfort and reminder of what it means to be a true woman of faith. Never once did she complain to people about having cancer.
I pray that this time of loss can be a time of revival for the soul of all. That in the mist of heart ache we can stand knowing that if today should be our day to leave this world that we will be going to a place where tears should be no more and rejoicing should be ever more.
In all things we should be able to see the good and the good in this situation is that my Aunt no longer has to suffer and her reward is now at hand. She was a woman of faith and believed until she took her last breath that her God was able to heal. No bitterness over took her as she threw up by the hour, she still believed in the healing God. That is the kind of faith that I want and that is the kind of love I want for my Lord.
May we all be reminded in the importance of where we put our trust and in whom we follow.
Many hugs to you all!
In the mist of all this sorrow and grief I have seen the true importance of showing the light of God through every trial of our life. Keeping our faith in the Creator and showing the true King of Kings and Lord of Lords. God is in control and the same God who spoke the universe into existence can turn all things for good. No matter what the situation, no matter how grime the news, God can make a horrible situation good.
Today as I write this I don't want to go on and on about the thoughts in my head. I want to say this... Sharon A. Fries will forever be missed. Her bright warming smile and warm gentle touch will be missed as a physical comfort and reminder of what it means to be a true woman of faith. Never once did she complain to people about having cancer.
I pray that this time of loss can be a time of revival for the soul of all. That in the mist of heart ache we can stand knowing that if today should be our day to leave this world that we will be going to a place where tears should be no more and rejoicing should be ever more.
In all things we should be able to see the good and the good in this situation is that my Aunt no longer has to suffer and her reward is now at hand. She was a woman of faith and believed until she took her last breath that her God was able to heal. No bitterness over took her as she threw up by the hour, she still believed in the healing God. That is the kind of faith that I want and that is the kind of love I want for my Lord.
Many hugs to you all!
March 13, 2012
God knows we didn't give up....
The soul of the sluggard desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat.
Proverbs 13:4 (KJV)
Ever felt like you just kept trying and you never got anywhere? This thought is in my head today regarding the common used saying, "I'm trying... God knows I'm trying".
Growing up as an athlete I learned a lot about persistence and determination. I learned that few will give you the benefit of the doubt and even fewer will give you third chances if even seconds. If you are going to do something you give it your 110% and go down fighting because people won't give you what you don't deserve.
Living for God I have found this to be true as well. When we have to say "I'm trying... God knows I'm trying" is usually when we need to justify ourselves or defend our actions. It is then that we are really not giving it are all and we feel we need to make an excuse for our mistake or our lack of diligence.
So I've found that when I'm truly giving all to God and doing all I can then He will do the rest. I don't want to be a sluggard and just keep wanting and wanting but never receiving because I will not be diligent.
Sometimes we can try so hard to defend our weaknesses and never defend those things in our lives that matter. We become a sluggard who desires all the right things but we never get anywhere because the things that will make us fat we are not willing to be diligent for.
It is time for us to arise and say I'm not going to think anymore. As an athlete they tell you that when your legs feel like rubber that you push through it and don't give in. Well when you feel like you can't take anymore in life I encourage you to push through because you will find the strength of God when you truly become diligent. The scripture does say that you will run and not grow weary.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
I believe that waiting is really not a matter of sitting there and doing nothing. It is a matter of going through in God's strength and knowing that soon He will reward your diligence and give you the strength.
If we keep going through life thinking that it just isn't God's time we will just be a sluggard who desires but has nothing. Instead of the diligent soul that gets fat because they wouldn't give up.
By faith we pray for healing and we ask for wisdom but we won't be diligent when we need to wait and trust He will come through. We just give up and become the soul that just desires and has nothing.
God will give you the strength to go through it if you keep fighting for what is right and doing the right things. Don't give up on the promises and the blessings of God.
I believe God wants to make you fat He wants to give you all the desires of your heart but sometimes we give up the fight to easy. In the world we don't want to get fat but in God we should desire to be fat with all that which is good for our spiritual walk.
I pray today as you read this that God increases your strength to be diligent for the things of God. That He will bless your faithfulness and that He will give you strength to mount up on eagles wings. It is God's desire for you to see what He sees from the heights that only and eagle can go but for Him to give that to you and make you fat like He desires that means we must be able to say "We tried and it paid off... God knows we didn't give up".
Proverbs 13:4 (KJV)
Ever felt like you just kept trying and you never got anywhere? This thought is in my head today regarding the common used saying, "I'm trying... God knows I'm trying".
Growing up as an athlete I learned a lot about persistence and determination. I learned that few will give you the benefit of the doubt and even fewer will give you third chances if even seconds. If you are going to do something you give it your 110% and go down fighting because people won't give you what you don't deserve.
Living for God I have found this to be true as well. When we have to say "I'm trying... God knows I'm trying" is usually when we need to justify ourselves or defend our actions. It is then that we are really not giving it are all and we feel we need to make an excuse for our mistake or our lack of diligence.
So I've found that when I'm truly giving all to God and doing all I can then He will do the rest. I don't want to be a sluggard and just keep wanting and wanting but never receiving because I will not be diligent.
Sometimes we can try so hard to defend our weaknesses and never defend those things in our lives that matter. We become a sluggard who desires all the right things but we never get anywhere because the things that will make us fat we are not willing to be diligent for.
It is time for us to arise and say I'm not going to think anymore. As an athlete they tell you that when your legs feel like rubber that you push through it and don't give in. Well when you feel like you can't take anymore in life I encourage you to push through because you will find the strength of God when you truly become diligent. The scripture does say that you will run and not grow weary.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
I believe that waiting is really not a matter of sitting there and doing nothing. It is a matter of going through in God's strength and knowing that soon He will reward your diligence and give you the strength.
If we keep going through life thinking that it just isn't God's time we will just be a sluggard who desires but has nothing. Instead of the diligent soul that gets fat because they wouldn't give up.
By faith we pray for healing and we ask for wisdom but we won't be diligent when we need to wait and trust He will come through. We just give up and become the soul that just desires and has nothing.
God will give you the strength to go through it if you keep fighting for what is right and doing the right things. Don't give up on the promises and the blessings of God.
I believe God wants to make you fat He wants to give you all the desires of your heart but sometimes we give up the fight to easy. In the world we don't want to get fat but in God we should desire to be fat with all that which is good for our spiritual walk.
I pray today as you read this that God increases your strength to be diligent for the things of God. That He will bless your faithfulness and that He will give you strength to mount up on eagles wings. It is God's desire for you to see what He sees from the heights that only and eagle can go but for Him to give that to you and make you fat like He desires that means we must be able to say "We tried and it paid off... God knows we didn't give up".
March 9, 2012
Be like a turtle...
Today I was reminded of a statement my cousin shared with me. She said "you need to be like a turtle and let the uncontrollable situations roll off your back". In her words she was telling me that no matter what was said or done that if I couldn't control it I shouldn't take it on. Truth is... most things in life we can't control unless it is our own reaction.
No matter what you are doing in life you have situations that are thrown your way that do nothing but fill you up with unneeded water. Sometimes we just need to be like a turtle and let the water that is thrown at us roll off our back. Remember you can't always change things that come your way so why carry them. Be like a turtle let it roll off your back and move on.
So that is my words of wisdom for the day... don't let situations get you down. If a turtle's back was any other way it would just collect water but instead it is designed in a way that it just rolls off. So be a like a turtle today... let nothing get you down or make you feel the wait of the world (water).
Jesus said to trust in him and He will supply. He said come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He said his arm is not to short and He is always near.
God can give you the ability to let the water just run off your back. Today is the day when Facebook looks positive and situations don't affect you the way they use to. Sometimes a situation is only as bad as we make it out to be.
Be reminded... Be a Turtle!
No matter what you are doing in life you have situations that are thrown your way that do nothing but fill you up with unneeded water. Sometimes we just need to be like a turtle and let the water that is thrown at us roll off our back. Remember you can't always change things that come your way so why carry them. Be like a turtle let it roll off your back and move on.
So that is my words of wisdom for the day... don't let situations get you down. If a turtle's back was any other way it would just collect water but instead it is designed in a way that it just rolls off. So be a like a turtle today... let nothing get you down or make you feel the wait of the world (water).
Jesus said to trust in him and He will supply. He said come to me all who are heavy laden and I will give you rest. He said his arm is not to short and He is always near.
God can give you the ability to let the water just run off your back. Today is the day when Facebook looks positive and situations don't affect you the way they use to. Sometimes a situation is only as bad as we make it out to be.
Be reminded... Be a Turtle!
Don't be like this turtle and allow life to go from water to sand! :)
Let it all roll off your back and never make you feel like you're about to give in!
March 2, 2012
For The Sake Of The Call... Night 1
This weekend we are having a Native Ministers conference called... For The Sake Of The Call. Last night was the start of it and it was a true success and blessing. I came to realize quickly the true love, passion, and loyalty our District has. As we are blessed to have the guest speaker Bro. Chavis and his wife Sis. Chavis we were also blessed with many other godly men and women who are in our own district.
As I stood at the front door greeting people who came in last night I was amazed at the true depth our district is blessed with when it comes to godly examples. I use the word depth but I truly don't think that is the proper word but the only one that comes to my mind at this time. We have so many who truly have given their life and time to give to the kingdom of God.
Last night was a great start to a wonderful weekend. Brother Chavis preached a very powerful message on the importance of knowing the Father's grace and mercy on our lives. Remembering where He brought us from and how he gave us a second chance. We may not have deserved that but how He loves us so much that He gave it to us in love for us. He spoke some powerful words from the Word of God and that was "God does not take pleasure in destroying us".
I was blessed by the Word last night and will take this powerful revelation with me. I will live it and remember just where he brought me from.
My life wasn't full of drugs, alcohol, and sex, in fact I wasn't involved in any but my life was filled with an idle god. The older I got the less I believed in God and truly at one place in my life I didn't believe there was a God. As I look back to that time in my life I am ashamed and think how much love God had when I hated Him. It puts a new concept on loving the unlovable. I was the unlovable one... I may not have sinned in ways that people could see but in my heart I committed the unforgivable sin if I would have known Him. Oh how grateful I am for His hand to reach passed the miry clay and into a life who was unworthy of His presence. A young girl who thought she was ok because of success, popularity, and outer blessings.
I am thankful for that message last night and for the reminder of the love of the Father. I'm also thankful today for all the wonderful ministers from our district who came to support the conference and the ministry of the native people. We are truly blessed and I never want to forget that.
Thank you Brother and Sister Chavis, Brother Fortalaza (unsure on correct spelling), Brother and Sister Stower, Brother and Sister Wittmeier (Kenora), and Brother and Sister Wittmeier (Thunder Bay). Also thank you to those from the Kenora church who came as well as those who came from other areas. May God bless you all for your giving heart and servant hood.
As I stood at the front door greeting people who came in last night I was amazed at the true depth our district is blessed with when it comes to godly examples. I use the word depth but I truly don't think that is the proper word but the only one that comes to my mind at this time. We have so many who truly have given their life and time to give to the kingdom of God.
Last night was a great start to a wonderful weekend. Brother Chavis preached a very powerful message on the importance of knowing the Father's grace and mercy on our lives. Remembering where He brought us from and how he gave us a second chance. We may not have deserved that but how He loves us so much that He gave it to us in love for us. He spoke some powerful words from the Word of God and that was "God does not take pleasure in destroying us".
I was blessed by the Word last night and will take this powerful revelation with me. I will live it and remember just where he brought me from.
My life wasn't full of drugs, alcohol, and sex, in fact I wasn't involved in any but my life was filled with an idle god. The older I got the less I believed in God and truly at one place in my life I didn't believe there was a God. As I look back to that time in my life I am ashamed and think how much love God had when I hated Him. It puts a new concept on loving the unlovable. I was the unlovable one... I may not have sinned in ways that people could see but in my heart I committed the unforgivable sin if I would have known Him. Oh how grateful I am for His hand to reach passed the miry clay and into a life who was unworthy of His presence. A young girl who thought she was ok because of success, popularity, and outer blessings.
I am thankful for that message last night and for the reminder of the love of the Father. I'm also thankful today for all the wonderful ministers from our district who came to support the conference and the ministry of the native people. We are truly blessed and I never want to forget that.
Thank you Brother and Sister Chavis, Brother Fortalaza (unsure on correct spelling), Brother and Sister Stower, Brother and Sister Wittmeier (Kenora), and Brother and Sister Wittmeier (Thunder Bay). Also thank you to those from the Kenora church who came as well as those who came from other areas. May God bless you all for your giving heart and servant hood.
February 29, 2012
Comforter and the Healer...
Pray for Healing and Comfort
Acts 3:6Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I non; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
In years passed I knew no one close to me who had died, no one who was battling a terminal illness, and very few I knew who had lost loved ones. Since that time of innocence I've seen much loss, experienced my own heartache of terminal illness, and seen many broken by the unknown of why. In that time I've never felt as strong about helping the grieving as I do now. Not because of my own heartache but because of the revelation the Lord has given me through the Word.
We often pray for healing for the external need as Peter did in Acts and many others throughout the Word. But what about when those prayers are not answered? What happens to those who spend hours praying and never see the fruit of those prayers?
I was praying about this the other day and God brought me back to my time of need of healing. We so often pray for the actual sickness in someones life and for a restoration of the body but Jesus said after He healed the sick and lame that they were made "whole". Makes me think that when we pray for the the sick and their needs sometimes there is some internal healing that needs to come too.
My heart goes out to those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and even those who know their days are few. We will never understand the reason of God for the Word even says "lean not unto your own understanding". In our own understanding we can't make sense of it all but when we lean on the comfort of the comforter and the healing of the healer we can get through the tough times. Go to the God who is the comforter and the healer... go to Jesus.
In a world that is filled with grief and sorrow we are in desperate need of the comforter and healer. Why both? Because without an internal healing we can't receive the comfort we so need and with out the true complete healing we can't get passed the reasons why.
Today when you are praying I ask for you to pray for the hurting in your life and for those who are deep in grief and can't get passed it. God brings us to our lowest places and shows Himself worthy in them, but we must pray that those who are angry don't allow themselves to put up a wall and never receive all they can from the Comforter.
Prayer is a powerful weapon that God gives us to use in battle. We know that in the last days that much sickness will come but that doesn't mean that we stop praying for the healer and comforter to work His miracles. God is in the healing business but sometimes we forget to pray for the WHOLE healing. Sometimes it is even us who needs the healing of internal for those who are hurting around us so that we can be the light of Christ in the mist of the trial.
February 27, 2012
This is the Day...
I'm convinced today that no matter what the weather and no matter what the storm I will be thankful for the day that I have. The other day I spoke about good thoughts and keeping my mind on track so that it can't become the enemies play ground. I'm grateful today and everyday that I remember that because it makes days seem so much more enjoyable. Even the snow seems beautiful in its cold nature.
My thought for the day...This is the day that the Lord has made... will YOU rejoice and be glad in it?
So often the situations of the day can cause us a little trouble. The weather can get our mood a little blue, the sun can be just a little to bright, and sometimes the things waiting for you at home can be a little to real.
Today is a beautiful day and it is the one that God has made... I will rejoice in it because it is another day to be able to thank God for life. It is another day to bring a sick person some encouragement, another day that I can help a co-worker bandage up a cut, another day that I can bake some cookies for my neighbors who need to see someone cares, another day to sing unto the Lord a great song of worship when no one is watching, just another day to give back the blessings that I've so unworthily been given.
What a day to realize just how beautiful the day really is. Today is the day to rejoice don't wait until tomorrow to give back to God the beauty that He has given you. I know for myself I'm not going to just look at it as just another day but look at it as being "THE DAY" that the Lord has made. It is special in its ways, special in its beauty, and special in its results.
Not another day but the day to rejoice and be glad in.
My thought for the day...This is the day that the Lord has made... will YOU rejoice and be glad in it?
So often the situations of the day can cause us a little trouble. The weather can get our mood a little blue, the sun can be just a little to bright, and sometimes the things waiting for you at home can be a little to real.
Today is a beautiful day and it is the one that God has made... I will rejoice in it because it is another day to be able to thank God for life. It is another day to bring a sick person some encouragement, another day that I can help a co-worker bandage up a cut, another day that I can bake some cookies for my neighbors who need to see someone cares, another day to sing unto the Lord a great song of worship when no one is watching, just another day to give back the blessings that I've so unworthily been given.
What a day to realize just how beautiful the day really is. Today is the day to rejoice don't wait until tomorrow to give back to God the beauty that He has given you. I know for myself I'm not going to just look at it as just another day but look at it as being "THE DAY" that the Lord has made. It is special in its ways, special in its beauty, and special in its results.
Not another day but the day to rejoice and be glad in.
February 24, 2012
Mind full...
This morning I woke up to a mind that was full of way to much stuff. It was bogged down by things of the passed, things of no value, and things that I'm trying to make sense of but can't. As I'm writing this I've came down to one truth and one thought....
I Cor 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
No matter what I must remember this truth of the Word of God. No thought in my head should ever be that of confusion. It must be that of a sound mind. When I get to the place where I find myself confused or full of thoughts I must... pray and clear my thoughts.
Our minds are such a powerful tool that can truly become the playground of the enemy. If I'm not careful with the thoughts that I allow to swarm in my head I will become a puppet to the emotional roller coaster that the enemy wants me to be in.
So what am I saying? I'm saying don't allow your mind to be full of confusion and idle to the thoughts that are NOT true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. (Phil 4:8) When we can get our minds off the things that are of importance we can be taken away from a sound mind.
Today I challenge you to think of the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. Focus on the things that are of value and you will find the peace that God desires for us to live in.
I guess this is just my thought for the day. Hope it blesses you and reminds you to keep your thoughts of things that will keep your day filled with smiles.
I Cor 14:33
For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.
No matter what I must remember this truth of the Word of God. No thought in my head should ever be that of confusion. It must be that of a sound mind. When I get to the place where I find myself confused or full of thoughts I must... pray and clear my thoughts.
Our minds are such a powerful tool that can truly become the playground of the enemy. If I'm not careful with the thoughts that I allow to swarm in my head I will become a puppet to the emotional roller coaster that the enemy wants me to be in.
So what am I saying? I'm saying don't allow your mind to be full of confusion and idle to the thoughts that are NOT true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. (Phil 4:8) When we can get our minds off the things that are of importance we can be taken away from a sound mind.
Today I challenge you to think of the things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. Focus on the things that are of value and you will find the peace that God desires for us to live in.
I guess this is just my thought for the day. Hope it blesses you and reminds you to keep your thoughts of things that will keep your day filled with smiles.
February 20, 2012
The role of the family...
This weekend I was able to be with the Central Canadian District for their 2012 Youth Convention. Which doesn't say much being that I'm a part of the district, but my ability to go was a blessing. This year I was able to take my Pastor's son and daughter to their very first district event without their parents. To me that is an honor as most parents, I know, don't let their children just go with anyone.
With that said I was reminded three times this weekend on the importance of the parents role in a child's life. I say parents, plural, because God designed the family to be balanced and that is to have a father and a mother.
This weekend God showed me a beautiful picture of the role of the family and of the church and its role as the mother towards the Father. The best way for me to describe this is by explaining my role as a child to my parents.
Most people don't know that when growing up my mom was a stay at home mom. She did this until I was old enough to go to preschool and then at that point she went back to school to become a teacher.
I learned at a young age to respect my mother's authority in my life. She was the one who was with me for most of the day so for me to ever mature and grow I needed to have a constant teacher, ironic enough that was my mother and her later occupation in life. Now that authority didn't make her like my father or the head of the house, she was and always will be still my mother. When she told me not to do things I knew that I should respect her because she had my best interests at heart. Don't get me wrong I'm sure I was mad at her when it hurt my feelings but I still knew that I was to obey my parents and those who they had put to watch over me.
I was raised that you respected your father AND your mother (Exodus 20:12) as well as all that have the rule over you (Hebrews 13:17). That included my teachers, adults, parents of friends who I played with, police officers, and anyone who was given the "responsibility" of my safety or watching over me. I knew better than to be disrespectful or to ever play the "you are not the boss of me" card or my favorite "you're not my mother".
Everyone who my parents gave permission to watch me as a child was given the authority to "boss" me. I was to listen to those people and if I didn't well I can't remember a lot of those times so I must have learned fast.
Now God reminded me of this as the role of the church. The Word calls us the bride which any bride that has children becomes a mother. The church is the mother of the saints but that does not displace the role of the Father in our lives. Even though my mom was the one who had to discipline us the most didn't displace the importance of my dad or make me think that I could play my parents. I always knew that TOGETHER they were a force that was teaching me to become a child that the family could be proud of. Not just my mom be proud of me but my dad as well.
Why did my mom have to discipline us? Because the whole.... "you wait until your father gets home" isn't good for the relationship with a child and their father. If the only thing my dad ever did was discipline me I would have really not liked having my dad around nor would I have respected my mom or wanted her to be around. So instead my mom handled the issues when they happened and that taught us two things. 1) You are to respect whoever is watching you and listen to them and 2) my parents were not there in my life to make life miserable or to be dictators. They were there to teach me and to help me not make mistakes that could cause harm to my future. They together helped me become a child to be proud of. Which I must add is still a working progress... I still need to respect my parents and respect them as they don't lose the role as parents in my life.
So what am I saying here. I'm saying... the role of a father and a mother are important to work together, as one flesh (Gen 2:24). Not to take away or to add to either side or confuse the headship in anyway. They are to work together to build and mold godly children of God who understand and know who it is that they are serving/pleasing.
Mary gave birth to Jesus, she was his mother, but He was first and for most to please HIS Father. That didn't take away from the role of Mary in His life and didn't make her less of an authority in His upbringing but working together they built up who He was as a man. With the spirit of God our parents help us become who God truly desires for us to be. Just like the church with the spirit helps us become the child of Christ that we are called to be.
I am expected to obey the authority that God places in my life. The mother, which is the church.... that includes my pastor and my brothers and sisters in the Lord who give me godly counsel (Psalms 1:1). If I am to ever grow into the child of God that I am called to be I must obey those who have been given the authority over me. Who are watching over my soul and responsible for leading me. I must learn to listen to godly counsel and take it even if it is to discipline me.
WHY? Because I will never understand or fear my Father, Jesus Christ, the right way without obeying my mother, the church, in my life. How can you know what the Father wants but through the one who is training you up WITH the Father? That one to be spoken of is the mother, the church.
For example if a mother does not have the respect or authority over her children, in a healthy way, then she will bring all discipline to the father and make him the bad guy all the time. Which in the long run will cause dis function in the relationship with the child and their father. If we as the church do not teach our children in the church, the saints of God, about what pleases the Father we will cause an unhealthy relationship with the Father when correction or judgement come from Him OR we will become their savior/ Father and confuse the roles. This will cause the body, family, to be divided and not of one accord or as one flesh (Phil 2:2). The church will be then battling with the Father, Jesus Christ and we will never be fulfilling the will of God.
Another thing that God revealed to me this weekend was the role the mother has in teaching her children what is pleasing to the father. As a young girl I knew that if I was to ever get pregnant that it would break my dad's heart. I knew that if I stayed away from premarital sex that I would be pleasing both my earthly father, who didn't want me to have a child out of wedlock and the responsibility of that, as well as my heavenly father, who didn't want me to have to pay the consequence to sin either. With that said you can imagine that my dad didn't have the sex talk with me but through my mother I knew what my dad expected of me. Of course there were things he told me that he didn't want me to do but not everything was so clear or spoken. In stead learned that if I desired to please my father and be the daughter that I knew he had raised me to be I needed to search him out and watched how he talked with people. I listened to my mom and the things she would say that my dad didn't like as well as in conversation hear him say to others things he believed in or didn't. I didn't do this because I wanted to be someone I wasn't I did this because I wanted to PLEASE my dad. I wanted him to be proud of me and to be the daughter that I knew he deserved.
This concept applies with our Heavenly Father. God doesn't have to speak to me everything He doesn't want me to do. I, as His child, need to listen to what He speaks to others, which can either be by my brothers and sisters in the church (mother), or even by what He spoke through His Word. Why do I do this... I do it so that I can PLEASE my Heavenly Father.
I'm so grateful for this revelation this weekend and so thankful to understand the role that I play in my own walk as well as others. My responsibility as a brother or a sister to those who are in the body of God is just as important as those that are in my home church. The picture is so much bigger and no matter if I'm at a Youth Convention or a Sunday night service I must make sure that what I'm teaching to others is the truth.
It's time to be the mother and to realize that we are hear to teach the children of God our brothers and sister to PLEASE the Father. To work WITH the Father through the Holy Spirit to help every soul become one with the body and one with their love.
With that said I was reminded three times this weekend on the importance of the parents role in a child's life. I say parents, plural, because God designed the family to be balanced and that is to have a father and a mother.
This weekend God showed me a beautiful picture of the role of the family and of the church and its role as the mother towards the Father. The best way for me to describe this is by explaining my role as a child to my parents.
Most people don't know that when growing up my mom was a stay at home mom. She did this until I was old enough to go to preschool and then at that point she went back to school to become a teacher.
I learned at a young age to respect my mother's authority in my life. She was the one who was with me for most of the day so for me to ever mature and grow I needed to have a constant teacher, ironic enough that was my mother and her later occupation in life. Now that authority didn't make her like my father or the head of the house, she was and always will be still my mother. When she told me not to do things I knew that I should respect her because she had my best interests at heart. Don't get me wrong I'm sure I was mad at her when it hurt my feelings but I still knew that I was to obey my parents and those who they had put to watch over me.
I was raised that you respected your father AND your mother (Exodus 20:12) as well as all that have the rule over you (Hebrews 13:17). That included my teachers, adults, parents of friends who I played with, police officers, and anyone who was given the "responsibility" of my safety or watching over me. I knew better than to be disrespectful or to ever play the "you are not the boss of me" card or my favorite "you're not my mother".
Everyone who my parents gave permission to watch me as a child was given the authority to "boss" me. I was to listen to those people and if I didn't well I can't remember a lot of those times so I must have learned fast.
Now God reminded me of this as the role of the church. The Word calls us the bride which any bride that has children becomes a mother. The church is the mother of the saints but that does not displace the role of the Father in our lives. Even though my mom was the one who had to discipline us the most didn't displace the importance of my dad or make me think that I could play my parents. I always knew that TOGETHER they were a force that was teaching me to become a child that the family could be proud of. Not just my mom be proud of me but my dad as well.
Why did my mom have to discipline us? Because the whole.... "you wait until your father gets home" isn't good for the relationship with a child and their father. If the only thing my dad ever did was discipline me I would have really not liked having my dad around nor would I have respected my mom or wanted her to be around. So instead my mom handled the issues when they happened and that taught us two things. 1) You are to respect whoever is watching you and listen to them and 2) my parents were not there in my life to make life miserable or to be dictators. They were there to teach me and to help me not make mistakes that could cause harm to my future. They together helped me become a child to be proud of. Which I must add is still a working progress... I still need to respect my parents and respect them as they don't lose the role as parents in my life.
So what am I saying here. I'm saying... the role of a father and a mother are important to work together, as one flesh (Gen 2:24). Not to take away or to add to either side or confuse the headship in anyway. They are to work together to build and mold godly children of God who understand and know who it is that they are serving/pleasing.
Mary gave birth to Jesus, she was his mother, but He was first and for most to please HIS Father. That didn't take away from the role of Mary in His life and didn't make her less of an authority in His upbringing but working together they built up who He was as a man. With the spirit of God our parents help us become who God truly desires for us to be. Just like the church with the spirit helps us become the child of Christ that we are called to be.
I am expected to obey the authority that God places in my life. The mother, which is the church.... that includes my pastor and my brothers and sisters in the Lord who give me godly counsel (Psalms 1:1). If I am to ever grow into the child of God that I am called to be I must obey those who have been given the authority over me. Who are watching over my soul and responsible for leading me. I must learn to listen to godly counsel and take it even if it is to discipline me.
WHY? Because I will never understand or fear my Father, Jesus Christ, the right way without obeying my mother, the church, in my life. How can you know what the Father wants but through the one who is training you up WITH the Father? That one to be spoken of is the mother, the church.
For example if a mother does not have the respect or authority over her children, in a healthy way, then she will bring all discipline to the father and make him the bad guy all the time. Which in the long run will cause dis function in the relationship with the child and their father. If we as the church do not teach our children in the church, the saints of God, about what pleases the Father we will cause an unhealthy relationship with the Father when correction or judgement come from Him OR we will become their savior/ Father and confuse the roles. This will cause the body, family, to be divided and not of one accord or as one flesh (Phil 2:2). The church will be then battling with the Father, Jesus Christ and we will never be fulfilling the will of God.
Another thing that God revealed to me this weekend was the role the mother has in teaching her children what is pleasing to the father. As a young girl I knew that if I was to ever get pregnant that it would break my dad's heart. I knew that if I stayed away from premarital sex that I would be pleasing both my earthly father, who didn't want me to have a child out of wedlock and the responsibility of that, as well as my heavenly father, who didn't want me to have to pay the consequence to sin either. With that said you can imagine that my dad didn't have the sex talk with me but through my mother I knew what my dad expected of me. Of course there were things he told me that he didn't want me to do but not everything was so clear or spoken. In stead learned that if I desired to please my father and be the daughter that I knew he had raised me to be I needed to search him out and watched how he talked with people. I listened to my mom and the things she would say that my dad didn't like as well as in conversation hear him say to others things he believed in or didn't. I didn't do this because I wanted to be someone I wasn't I did this because I wanted to PLEASE my dad. I wanted him to be proud of me and to be the daughter that I knew he deserved.
This concept applies with our Heavenly Father. God doesn't have to speak to me everything He doesn't want me to do. I, as His child, need to listen to what He speaks to others, which can either be by my brothers and sisters in the church (mother), or even by what He spoke through His Word. Why do I do this... I do it so that I can PLEASE my Heavenly Father.
I'm so grateful for this revelation this weekend and so thankful to understand the role that I play in my own walk as well as others. My responsibility as a brother or a sister to those who are in the body of God is just as important as those that are in my home church. The picture is so much bigger and no matter if I'm at a Youth Convention or a Sunday night service I must make sure that what I'm teaching to others is the truth.
It's time to be the mother and to realize that we are hear to teach the children of God our brothers and sister to PLEASE the Father. To work WITH the Father through the Holy Spirit to help every soul become one with the body and one with their love.
February 15, 2012
Just a little love..
It hurt me to see all the posts yesterday on Facebook regarding Valentines Day being an overrated holiday and people verbally showing there dislike for the holiday with words of true hatred. So here is my turn to speak my mind on the holiday of love....
....Yesterday was the day of love. A day when Hallmark makes a killing on their $3.00 cards, floral shops go crazy from all the deliveries of millions of roses, and single people sit complaining about there current relationship statues as if no one can really recognize that their true hate of this commercialised holiday is not because of its racket but because it is hard to get passed ones self to truly have a heart of compassion for those who have something we don't have.
As I looked through all my friends and family that are on my friends list and those who were showing and sending love to others. I see a young mother of two who is my age and is currently spending Valentines Day away from the man she loves who is at War fighting for my freedom, my Cousins and Aunt who just lost my Uncle, my Cousins who are trying to enjoy every minute they have with my Aunt who received news that her cancer has taken over in her body, and many friends who are far from their loved ones. Now did these people write hateful things about this day that has brought up so much hurt and pain, no. Instead these people are expressing their love for their missing and lost loved ones. They are enjoying the day they have and the life they have to express to others their true gratefulness for love.
OK so now I'm off my soap box. I know that everyone battles their own way and that each person handles situations differently but I'm here to express to my readers that each day is to short to live with such a negative outlook even if it was just for one day that is about commercialism. There is no sin in showing love to someone in the appropriate way. Plus what wasted energy on something that has no eternal value whatsoever.
If you are really living for God... life isn't worth wasting on worthless emotions. Life isn't that bad when you are not leaning on your own strength to get you through and your own love to express to others. Just a little faith will move a mountain and I'm here to say that just a little of God's love could heal a nation.
Just a little of your strength goes a long way when you mix it with God's... its when you put in a lot of your strength and expect God to put in the rest that you really fail. It's time to evaluate the feelings we have that make us hate or have great anger towards. Why do I feel this way and why have I turned something that could be good into something that is bad? What is it that has made me feel so alone and disappointed in life? And lastly why do I feel that this has anything to do with me?
Christ put everyone else before himself and sometimes we need to learn to take care of ourselves but to not be focused on ourselves. Just a little love can go a long way if we only would turn it towards others...
February 14, 2012
We have been called to a mission... will you carry it out!
missionsplural of mis·sion (Noun)
Noun: |
February 10, 2012
Burn in me...
Have you ever felt that burning feeling inside your soul when you speak of something that is about God?
Last night at service I was speaking to the church regarding the goal for the Youth. We are working to help the youth MARK there schools.
M- Memorize the Word so that we can have it be the source in which we gather all our information.
A- Act out the Word and be the example that we need to be.
R- Read the Word so that it isn't just something we hear but something that lives in us.
K- Kneel before we go to the Word so that we allow the spirit to speak to us and not our own ideas.
This is truly my true burden for our young people. I received this idea from a source online but have changed some of it so it will apply to our youth. They need to feel like they are capable of making a MARK in their communities and not just with their friends but with everyone around them. God will do everything they need Him to do if they truly apply these things to their lives.
We are in need of a burning inside passion for all of us. We need to feel that anointing in us burn every time we speak of the goodness and miracles of God. There is always something to give God glory for and in everything we should give Him the glory. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in our young people when they each get that burning feeling that they are able to do great things.
I'm going to pray more than ever that our young people experience that rush of excitement every time they are speaking of God. That they will feel a burn inside them as they walk in the ways of God. It is about time that our young people feel they can step into the shoes that have been placed before them. There is some great things that are going to happen when these young people grab a hold of their purpose and truly start making a MARK in their homes, communities, and schools.
I'm expecting great things to come... and can't wait for the day that one of the young people comes up to me and says.... it works!
Last night at service I was speaking to the church regarding the goal for the Youth. We are working to help the youth MARK there schools.
M- Memorize the Word so that we can have it be the source in which we gather all our information.
A- Act out the Word and be the example that we need to be.
R- Read the Word so that it isn't just something we hear but something that lives in us.
K- Kneel before we go to the Word so that we allow the spirit to speak to us and not our own ideas.
This is truly my true burden for our young people. I received this idea from a source online but have changed some of it so it will apply to our youth. They need to feel like they are capable of making a MARK in their communities and not just with their friends but with everyone around them. God will do everything they need Him to do if they truly apply these things to their lives.
We are in need of a burning inside passion for all of us. We need to feel that anointing in us burn every time we speak of the goodness and miracles of God. There is always something to give God glory for and in everything we should give Him the glory. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do in our young people when they each get that burning feeling that they are able to do great things.
I'm going to pray more than ever that our young people experience that rush of excitement every time they are speaking of God. That they will feel a burn inside them as they walk in the ways of God. It is about time that our young people feel they can step into the shoes that have been placed before them. There is some great things that are going to happen when these young people grab a hold of their purpose and truly start making a MARK in their homes, communities, and schools.
I'm expecting great things to come... and can't wait for the day that one of the young people comes up to me and says.... it works!
February 7, 2012
Get me out of this comfort zone..
James 1:22-24
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your ownselves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
I have found in my life that I will hear something and want to do it but it just is so out of my comfort zone that I just can't do it. Sometimes I can hear someone say the right things to me and agree what they are saying is true but when it comes to changing those ways in my life it is just not as easy.
Like this scripture states I see in the glass what I want to see but I forget what I once was or forget to see what I should be. We always want to do all the right things but it isn't always that easy. We want to do all the right things and dream big but we can't really apply them to our lives. Dreams are always wonderful but it is only a dream if not put into reality. Or in a spiritual sense it is only a dream until we make the step and God does the rest.
As I pray regarding my life and the new adventures that are to come I'm reminded of these scriptures. It is so easy to hear the Word and know the Word but it is so hard to actually apply it. Oh Peter step out on that water and try the power of God. If Peter would have never stepped out on that water he would have never walked on water, but he did and that is all that matters.
During the CCD Family Camp in July of 2009 God spoke to me clearly. He said to me I will make you walk on water. Instantly I knew that there was significance in the word make and that is if I wanted to do the will of God in my life I was going to need to step out of my own comfort zone.
That August I went to my Pastor and said I feel a call to Sweden. At that time in my walk I was so scared that my Pastor would say no that I prayed and fasted for a month before getting the strength to speak to him... getting out of my comfort zone.
After I spoke to my Pastor he told me that the Lord had told him prior to us talking that I needed to go. He didn't know if it was Bible School or what but he knew that God spoke regarding me going and now it is history.
I went to Sweden January of 2010 and I was completely out of my comfort zone. There I learning to trust in the Lord in every minute of every day. During my trip I didn't see people filled with the Holy Ghost but I did see an angel and I did see the hand of God move. I learned so much from my brothers and sisters there. Learning the true meaning of servant hood and the importance of trusting God.
I share this with you again to say I don't believe that God is done pushing me onto the water. I don't believe that He is done stretching me in the box that I've become so comfortable in. If I am going to be anything for God I need to be a doer of the Word and not just a listener of the Word.
If I am going to be a vessel for God I need to make sure that I don't stand on the side of the ship looking at the horizon knowing that I could have it if I just would step out of my comfort zone. God will take care of us if we are walking in His will. We can walk on water if we know that the man who is guiding our footsteps is God and not us.
This is going to be my challenge for myself. I'm going to have unfailing faith in God's ability to do the miraculous, getting me out of this comfortable box I live in. I'm going to pray like Hannah and being diligent like Jacob that the things I think as impossible become possible through Christ.
I'm no longer going to limit the hand of God in my life and allow myself to walk in a comfort zone. Sometimes I limit myself because of life and I believe that it is time for me to allow God to MAKE me what He wants to MAKE me.
I believe that in each person we have our own weakness. There is something that God wants us to do that we just can't do. We know that we should be doers of what we hear but we seem to not want to get out of the comfort zone. So I challenge you all today... lets get out of our comfort zones and apply the things we hear and know.
But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your ownselves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer, he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass: For he beholdeth himself, and goeth his way, and straightway forgetteth what manner of man he was.
I have found in my life that I will hear something and want to do it but it just is so out of my comfort zone that I just can't do it. Sometimes I can hear someone say the right things to me and agree what they are saying is true but when it comes to changing those ways in my life it is just not as easy.
Like this scripture states I see in the glass what I want to see but I forget what I once was or forget to see what I should be. We always want to do all the right things but it isn't always that easy. We want to do all the right things and dream big but we can't really apply them to our lives. Dreams are always wonderful but it is only a dream if not put into reality. Or in a spiritual sense it is only a dream until we make the step and God does the rest.
As I pray regarding my life and the new adventures that are to come I'm reminded of these scriptures. It is so easy to hear the Word and know the Word but it is so hard to actually apply it. Oh Peter step out on that water and try the power of God. If Peter would have never stepped out on that water he would have never walked on water, but he did and that is all that matters.
During the CCD Family Camp in July of 2009 God spoke to me clearly. He said to me I will make you walk on water. Instantly I knew that there was significance in the word make and that is if I wanted to do the will of God in my life I was going to need to step out of my own comfort zone.
That August I went to my Pastor and said I feel a call to Sweden. At that time in my walk I was so scared that my Pastor would say no that I prayed and fasted for a month before getting the strength to speak to him... getting out of my comfort zone.
After I spoke to my Pastor he told me that the Lord had told him prior to us talking that I needed to go. He didn't know if it was Bible School or what but he knew that God spoke regarding me going and now it is history.
I went to Sweden January of 2010 and I was completely out of my comfort zone. There I learning to trust in the Lord in every minute of every day. During my trip I didn't see people filled with the Holy Ghost but I did see an angel and I did see the hand of God move. I learned so much from my brothers and sisters there. Learning the true meaning of servant hood and the importance of trusting God.
I share this with you again to say I don't believe that God is done pushing me onto the water. I don't believe that He is done stretching me in the box that I've become so comfortable in. If I am going to be anything for God I need to be a doer of the Word and not just a listener of the Word.
If I am going to be a vessel for God I need to make sure that I don't stand on the side of the ship looking at the horizon knowing that I could have it if I just would step out of my comfort zone. God will take care of us if we are walking in His will. We can walk on water if we know that the man who is guiding our footsteps is God and not us.
This is going to be my challenge for myself. I'm going to have unfailing faith in God's ability to do the miraculous, getting me out of this comfortable box I live in. I'm going to pray like Hannah and being diligent like Jacob that the things I think as impossible become possible through Christ.
I'm no longer going to limit the hand of God in my life and allow myself to walk in a comfort zone. Sometimes I limit myself because of life and I believe that it is time for me to allow God to MAKE me what He wants to MAKE me.
I believe that in each person we have our own weakness. There is something that God wants us to do that we just can't do. We know that we should be doers of what we hear but we seem to not want to get out of the comfort zone. So I challenge you all today... lets get out of our comfort zones and apply the things we hear and know.
February 1, 2012
Today I spent the afternoon with my mom and like always we spoke of the things of God. I love to share with my mom what is going through my head because she is always quick to put me on the right track if I'm not thinking right or if I am she puts me at ease. I'm grateful for having such a wise mother and one whom I can share godly things with.
Our topic of conversation today was regarding my burden for the people of Sweden and specifically the church in Falun. While in Sweden I realized quick that God had placed a special burden on my heart for Falun and for the saints of God whom are laboring there. Leaving was difficult but at that time in my life it was God's time for me to return home.
It has been close to two years since I was in the beautiful country of Sweden and since then I've prayed for an opportunity to go back if only for a visit. So far that has not happened but I do believe that God will make a way for me to return.
The other night I was given this beautiful vision of God placing me in a chess game and each box being a certain journey in my life. As I rode the horse through the game I saw myself going through each journey in my life as God put every move into place as He desired, in one of those boxes I saw Sweden. Prior to this vision I had been constantly reminded of Sweden as I walked through the snow and put on my boots God would bring me back to the many days I spent walking the snowy streets of Sweden praying for a sign of why I was called there. During the time spent in Falun I quickly received my answer regarding why God wanted me in Sweden. It was sad to know that by that time I only had a month left. I realized after some great sorrow that God was putting things into play so I could return and return with a greater purpose and preparation. As often said by many others... God's timing is never our timing and His ways not our ways. He knows the beginning from the end and He knows what other things need to be put into place for me.
In 2012 I want to make sure that every decision I make is with God at the center. I want to make sure that when it is His time to open doors that I am ready to walk through them. I want to make sure that I am spiritually ready for the tasks ahead of me and want to make sure that I am physically prepared. God can't always do all the work sometimes we need to take the time He gives us to take care of business.
I share this with you today to say this... God has a chess game for each one of us and the fact of the matter is that we can either ride the horse or be the horse. If we allow God to play the game we will find ourselves ready and prepared for the tasks ahead. Let each task stretch you, let each experience bring you closer to God, and lastly use the time you have wisely.
I believe that each person has a special calling in the kingdom of God but if we never grow or change we will just continue to start over at the beginning of the chess game.
Our topic of conversation today was regarding my burden for the people of Sweden and specifically the church in Falun. While in Sweden I realized quick that God had placed a special burden on my heart for Falun and for the saints of God whom are laboring there. Leaving was difficult but at that time in my life it was God's time for me to return home.
It has been close to two years since I was in the beautiful country of Sweden and since then I've prayed for an opportunity to go back if only for a visit. So far that has not happened but I do believe that God will make a way for me to return.
The other night I was given this beautiful vision of God placing me in a chess game and each box being a certain journey in my life. As I rode the horse through the game I saw myself going through each journey in my life as God put every move into place as He desired, in one of those boxes I saw Sweden. Prior to this vision I had been constantly reminded of Sweden as I walked through the snow and put on my boots God would bring me back to the many days I spent walking the snowy streets of Sweden praying for a sign of why I was called there. During the time spent in Falun I quickly received my answer regarding why God wanted me in Sweden. It was sad to know that by that time I only had a month left. I realized after some great sorrow that God was putting things into play so I could return and return with a greater purpose and preparation. As often said by many others... God's timing is never our timing and His ways not our ways. He knows the beginning from the end and He knows what other things need to be put into place for me.
In 2012 I want to make sure that every decision I make is with God at the center. I want to make sure that when it is His time to open doors that I am ready to walk through them. I want to make sure that I am spiritually ready for the tasks ahead of me and want to make sure that I am physically prepared. God can't always do all the work sometimes we need to take the time He gives us to take care of business.
I share this with you today to say this... God has a chess game for each one of us and the fact of the matter is that we can either ride the horse or be the horse. If we allow God to play the game we will find ourselves ready and prepared for the tasks ahead. Let each task stretch you, let each experience bring you closer to God, and lastly use the time you have wisely.
I believe that each person has a special calling in the kingdom of God but if we never grow or change we will just continue to start over at the beginning of the chess game.
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Not Every Sorry...
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