Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.
1Peter 1:13-16
When talking about holiness I believe it is important to mention that none is holy without Christ and without holiness we are unable to be modest. It is impossible for us to please our Lord without being close to Him and to be close to Him we must be modest. The two go hand in hand together and can not be removed from our lives if we want to walk with Christ.
In this scripture we see that our mind is a huge part of holiness and I came to see this apply over a year ago. We so often put so much weight on modesty that we loose the real reason we need modesty and that is because we are serving a holy God.
Being holy in God's eyes is standing apart in mind and in dress. I think of it this way if I have a good spirit ,one which is connected to Christ, all the things about modesty becomes easy because we are following the voice of Christ. However, if we are modest looking in dress and our mind is full of comparison how can we be modest.
While you ponder on that fact think about your walk with God. Is the way you dress and act pleasing to God. Much of my walk with Christ I saw myself as doing good because I was modest in dress but in the mist of my modesty I stopped girding my mind and allowed my modesty to become "MY" own works. I lost holiness and in the mist I lost my connection with Christ.
We sometimes put so much on the way that we dress that we forget the real reason for modesty in our lives. Do not get me wrong I do believe in modest dress but do not agree in it when our dress becomes our security blanket to salvation. Which is why I talk about holiness instead of modesty.
With holiness we are given spiritual eyes to see and know what is expected of us. We are able to see that our Lord wants us to be separate, covered, and beautiful as He has designed us to be. In that there are things to be desired and to be unknown to others.
Why open a package that you already know what it contains? There is no mystery, there is no anticipation. I look at our modesty being the same way and it makes me feel happy to know that there is something more to me than just what I look like on the outside. There is something so beautiful when modesty and holiness walk together in harmony.
I'm grateful that I serve such a holy God because it makes me realize that without the Holy Ghost and without modesty I can't get close to Him. Because of His grace I can reach the gates of Heaven but because of His blood and Spirit I can get through them.
Salvation to me is more than getting into heaven it is spending the rest of my life with a man who loves a holy and modest woman. That man is the only man whom I know I could never truly be good enough for and that no matter what I do or say without Him I'm truly the farthest thing from Holy.
I'm praying today that God would give me a heart to become more like Him to become not more modest, not more holy, but more like Him. Let the fruit of the spirit be what comes from my pours and what falls from my lips.
Beautiful! Very well said and I have to fully agree, I want to be more like Him, the one who loves us so that He robed Himself in human flesh to walk among man and experienced the human dilemma, only to face derision and to experience the cruelest of deaths. I will love Him forever for giving me a chance to be like Him and to know that I can spend eternity with HIM.
Hugs, Cynthia
Thank you Krystina. Well said - you spoke to me.
I see that my little sister read this and commented too. She lives in BC. =)
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