August 17, 2009

Stepping Forward...

Lately my life has been full of questions and direction. The Word tells us that it is a lamp unto our feet and a guide unto the ways of Christ. Daily we walk in an upward stride, striving to become just a little bit closer to the one and only King of Kings.

The other day in Sunday School our Pre-Teen class spoke about the power of prayer and how when we pray over someone it is not the object that heals but the power of Christ. After teaching on this I had the students pass around a towel that was new and I had each student dip their finger with oil and pray in Jesus Name(over the towel). By our faith we are healed is what the Bible says!!! Each student said in Jesus name covering each inch of that towel with the power of prayer. We than gave it to our Pastor who brought it to a man who was in the ICU and in the state of near death. One of the students on Sunday (8/16/09) just the following Sunday stated that the man was currently sitting up in his bed and was out of the ICU. PRAISE THE HOLY LORD! PRAYER WORKS AND MIRACLES ARE NOT JUST FOR THE DAYS OF THE BIBLE!

In this experience I've realized the true importance and child like faith of serving God. The students in my Sunday School class have taught me so much. They have proven to me the importance of faith and the importance of humility. It is true that when we walk with Christ we often forget what it means to believe that our God is able to heal the sick, blind, and broken. We so often want to see miracles but we are not willing to step out and test the waters.

I often think about how my faith was limited to people filled with the Holy Ghost how I just wanted to see people get filled and than it was like they would get baptized and than walk with Christ. Almost as if my faith was so small that I limited God and just how powerful He is. I've realized that I want to see great earth shaking things. I want to experience God's hand move in a mighty way and direction. I want to see people healed from cancer, illness, blindness, and so much more.

In North America we have became victims of this selfish mentality. As if we will hold on to this powerful message and only display it when we want to turn on the light switch of Christ. The people in the upper room didn't decided that at a certain time at a certain day that they would be filled with the Holy Ghost no they waited on the Lord they seeked after His face. His Word says when you seek me you shall find me.

Jesus changed my life yesterday he allowed me to realize that I'm nothing without Him and with Him the power lives. I can either live a selfish lifestyle knowing that my God is able to part the red seas or I can live a lifestyle of giving and receive the great promise of a miracle walking life. I'm ready to watch my God move and I'm not going to allow it to drift. I don't need a revival service to pump up my trust, faith, and belief in God I'm going to live it, walk it, and trust it.

My God is going to move and He's going to give direction. I'm ready to watch my God show me where I need to bring His Word! I'm ready to put on my combat boots and get to work... I'm ready to fulfil His GREAT COMMISSION!

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