April 15, 2008

The Sunlight of God...

The fresh, crisp, spring air fills my heart with delight and anticipation. As I look out the big glass windows that display the front of my family’s store I find myself in awe of how the beauty of sunlight can hide all the dirt, snow, and mud puddles; how just a little glimpse of green grass can make you think of the magnificent beauty of summer. The roads are raceways with kids on bikes, the baseball fields are filled with excited youngsters who can’t wait to throw and hit the ball around, and the bass boats are skimming the tops of the waves on Rainy Lake. Wow, how I love summer!

When I think about how I get when I see the bright sunshine I find myself thinking about how excited I get when someone gets the Holy Ghost or even gets a touch from God. While I was daydreaming here at work this afternoon I began to see the comparison of how my excitement and anticipation for summer is very much how I get when the spirit of God lights up someone’s life and I anticipate what great things will begin to bloom and change in their lives.

Last night I was praying and realized that when I’m not seeing brightness or hope my attitude changes compared to when I see and feel the sunshine of God’s spirit. Watching people pray with tear-filled eyes, shaking hands and trembling lips lights up my world much like a day filled with bright sunlight.

The Bible tells us that in the beginning God said “Let there be light and there was light”. In Genesis 1:4 it says “And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.” Sometimes we forget the importance of light in our lives and how important it is for us to walk in light and bring light. We should find strength in each new day and when the light of the SUN comes up we should be reminded of the light that the SON brings in our lives; we need to walk like Him, be a light to others, and be grateful from the light He brings to our lives.

I’m so happy that the joy of the Lord is my strong tower! I love to live for God and watch His Glory fall down around us like shards of light in the universe. Our churches are going to see great revival soon and very soon, but it will only happen when we allow God to do the work in us and in His church~only He can give the increase.

I’m praying that God’s people find a renewing in their spirit because God’s work is never done. But … His light is always shining and His glory is forever moving. Rejoice! My brothers and sisters it is about time that we all step up and let the glory fall down.

Look up and soak up the SON!

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