March 5, 2020

Self Care... Is it ok?

This topic has taken a new life in this generation and I don’t believe that it just happened by chance. Which if you know me, know I don’t believe in chances anyways. The Word tells us that it is the enemies job to “wear out the saints” and he is doing just that. Unfortunately most of it is because we have not found the balance in self-care.

I’ve heard many people say that self-care is a selfish thing and that all people need to do is pray and read the Word. It is true that those two things should be a part of our self-care but it can’t be all of it. We live in a world that is a pressure cooker which means at some point the steam is going to have to come out. Wouldn’t you rather that steam be appropriately released in a healthy way then to blow up in your face and cause second degree burns? I can tell you in full confidence you don’t. It isn’t a pretty situation and even though you’d like to justify it, you can’t.

Taking time for you is not wrong nor is it something you should feel guilty about. Why?! Because that guilt isn’t placed there by God it is placed there by man. It’s the assumption of what you perceive people to think or what you’ve heard them speak. It’s the judgement of old ways and generational changes. It’s the lack of empathy that is truly only learned. Finding yourself balance in taking time for yourself is critical and it should only be judged by you and God.

Something that I hear a lot about being single is how lucky I am because I don’t have as much work. Truth is I don’t believe that anyone has more or less work. It is truly how they choose to allow it to control them. While a married couple has another person to take care of in a way. A single person has no one else there to help. While a family with many kids have many people to care for they also have many to help. No one can win that war of who has things worse and no one should want to. It isn’t about who needs time more. It is about making that time to count. 

Self-care should never be a bad word in the lives of Christians. It is about relationship not religion. It is about caring for the temple we are given. So taking the time to care for yourself is critical for you to be the best person in that relationship. God does not desire to only get your left overs or for you to only give him what you have enough of. He wants for you to be able to take the time for Him and to be able to receive more from that time. If that means taking time for just you, don’t feel guilty for that.

Momma’s stop feeling guilty for taking time for yourself. Stop looking at you needing time as a selfish act and stop feeling that it has to be just once in a blue moon. Make it something that you do regularly and it can be as small as you just taking a half hour before bed. It might mean every Sunday night you do a fifteen minute face mask. Maybe it means that you go with your friends once a month for a Saturday morning coffee break.

Single ladies stop feeling guilty for taking time on yourself because everyone thinks you have all this time. There is nothing wrong with taking the time for self-care. You want to get into routines so that you get to do what you want to do instead of all your responsibilities, go for it. You need to take an hour to get ready for bed, right on sister I’m right there with you.

The truth is we need to be purposeful in the things that are important in our lives. I once heard someone say that you don’t need more time in a day you need to learn how to make time. You will find time in your life when you start to make things important. For me that meant scheduling things out and using a reminder on my phone to keep me accountable. Weekly posts in the group I get to minister in, I have a reminder on my phone every Thursday. Payroll biweekly on my calendar so that I know that I can’t take that Monday off. Changing my filters for my furnace, I have a reminder. Monthly books completed for the church, I have a reminder. By doing this I am able to make sure that things don’t fall through the cracks, but when it comes to taking care of this temple. Those things I need to gage during my time with God. 

Getting sick was one of the best things for me to begin to invest in that time. I learned that with my illness taking time for self-care was critical for my all around health. Stress is a huge trigger for me and my pain, but most importantly being self-aware of my body was even more important. Learning when I was mentally exhausted and responding to that was critical. Being self-aware of what I was doing with my muscles when I was stressed, was important. Learning to take time to just breathe, was important. And what I learned in all of it is God created us all uniquely which means each person needs something different. We need to learn to embrace that and to learn balance.

I’m not telling you to neglect everything and just focus on yourself. What I’m saying is that you need to take the time to evaluate your life and the priority that you give things in your life. Those dishes in the sink to someone else will be there tomorrow...but to me a clean kitchen in the morning helps me feel peace. To that Momma who needs to take the time at night to spend with her kids and tackle the dishes in the morning that is for you to figure out and not for me to judge. so own it and the responsibility you have to your temple gave you.

It’s balance my friend. Something the enemy hopes you will never figure out. 

February 27, 2020

Embrace the Process...

We’ve all heard that there is a reason that the windshield is bigger than the rearview mirror. It is because we are supposed to be looking forward not backwards. However, that is not always so easy. 

As humans we always tend to gravitate to the past. Life was better back then. Life was easier when I was younger and had no responsibilities. The constant gerbil wheel that brings us in full circle right back to where we were at the very beginning. Here right now. 

Scripture tells us that it is unwise to look backwards or to want to go back. We see while the Israelites were taken out of bondage the pressure of life made them want to go back. Living as a slave was better because that meant they didn’t have to endure... Really?! Sometimes we find ourselves just like them wanting to go back because we have forgotten all about what was. 

Wisdom is something that comes through time and experience. It isn’t something that is given to all at the time of birth. It is something that is learned through our daily battles and victories. The Word tells us that the value of wisdom is beyond the price of rubies which is a gem that in its purest nature is put under the greatest fire. Those who are wise beyond their years… those are the people who’ve truly gone through the fire. And didn’t go through it alone, but with God.

We often times want to think that life should be easy and never feel any pressure. Sometimes peace is false peace and it is the very thing that is keeping us from the growth we need to live. Winston Churchill is quoted to have said “People don’t like you. Good that means you stood up for something”. Many would say that this man was full of wisdom and that wisdom didn’t come with out a cost. 

So today take the time to thank God for every lesson. For those reminders of what He’s done in your life that has helped you grow and not repeat the same mistakes over and over again.

Life is beautiful and the reason it is beautiful is because each person’s story is different and them embracing something that only they can share. 

February 21, 2020

New Start...

It has been way to long since I last wrote on my blog. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve thought I should just deactivate this account, but then God stops me. It has been years since I last wrote and truthfully those years seem like a blur. However, those years have taught me more about life than I ever thought was possible.

So starting in 2020 I promised God that I would be committed to the things that He’s placed within me. Those things that seemed to be attacked by life and the spiritual battles. Since I last wrote on my blog I have faced unforeseen medical situations and spiritual battles that I would not wish on my worst enemy. But I also have walked into numerous ministries that I never would have dreamt would be possible. I tried network marketing to find that my calling as a minister is the only network marketing that I should be doing. I was voted in as the Assistant Pastor at our church. I received a promotion at work and most importantly have grown so much as a person and as a child of God.

While I go back through the years and catch you up on all that God has done I pray that you may see that in the mist of my life there is one thing that has continually rang true. I am a flawed person with need of the Savior. I’ve fought battles but I also have stumbled on my own flesh. My walk has been chalked with lessons only because of one thing... I love God and want to please Him in all that I do.

In my pursuit to follow through with my commitment to God and His call on my life. I will be working on devotional material that I have written to share on here. As well as, some snippets of my book to come. I’m excited to share with you everything as I try to inspire you to follow after your own purpose and calling.

The beauty of this wonderful calling of God is that it is so much bigger than you and me. It is those who will be inspired to follow after their calling. It is for those who are seeking and end up finding.

Thank you for taking the time to following my blog and for reading it. I pray that as I try to get back into this vein of ministry that you may be blessed beyond measure and take what God speaks into you... to inspire someone else. Again thank you for reading and I look forward to getting to know you as we walk down this journey.

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...