May 3, 2014


I tend to find myself unsure of what I should write, and sometimes feel as if I am writing without a cause or purpose. However, as I sit in my house listening to the cars drive by I am reminded that with out intentional effort we will look back and say, "where did the time go". We will look into the past and wonder what we said and what we didn't say.

As a person who tends to be more quite and reserved I find myself wondering if I said to much, or I said enough. I believe that is nothing more then a spirit of timidity that tries to hush the voices of the people of God. As I try to grow out of this need to "see the writing on the wall", I find myself watching God's hand perform the impossible things that I knew he was capable of doing. Those things that I should have spoken of and didn't.

For example, when I was about to have my second surgery for my endometriosis the Lord spoke to me and told me I needed to ask for prayer. Not just in my church, but to share it to all that were on Facebook. The amount of responses and encouragement that was given to me was so overwhelming that it brought me to my knees. I was so thankful for the prayers and humbled that the Lord responded. With a good report from the doctor I stand knowing that there is power in prayer and we must speak out.

The enemy wanted nothing more than to keep me in a place of timidity and in the mean time God was wanting to show Himself strong. As I knew that he was able to do the impossible it was not just me that needed to believe it, but all the hundreds of friends that I have on Facebook that saw that the Lord responding to the request of those praying.

From this I have had many talk to me about chronic pain and dealing with situations that hinder our lives. I have had others ask for prayer and others state they didn't even know that I had dealt with this for so long. The truth is all of that has allowed me to share with people where I find my strength and that is all from Jesus. He is my strength, my rock, and my encouragement. When I find myself feeling like I can't take it anymore I just speak out that name, Jesus.

Just me speaking out allowed God to show Himself. Jesus needs to be spoken of and something it will take us speaking about the uncomfortable situations in our lives so that He can do His greatest work. It isn't about me and what I went through, it is about what He has done. I went into my surgery thinking I was going to have to have major surgery, but came out with a report that growth was minimal.

As I said to my Pastor, "it was years of terrible pain, but after the pain is gone, its gone". I want to remember that when I look to the future knowing that I have used every opportunity to speak when I needed to speak. Because when the opportunity has passed, it has passed and I don't want to miss out on the things that God wanted to do.

May the Lord bless you all!

January 6, 2014

Be of good cheer...

In my study of chapter 23 of Acts, I have found myself completely amazed by the ministry of Paul. We speak of him often, but I never realized how much he endured to have the Word of God go forward. The ways he was tortured, but still determined to fulfill the will of God. I am encouraged by that and know that only God can direct the steps of those that follow Him.

While I find myself over taken by the true zeal of Paul, I find him a man of great example to our modern day church. As I find my days filled with frustration, I look to the sky and thank the Lord for the path that He is sending me on. A walk that is not always easy, but is filled with wonderful learning experiences and times of growth. I can't say that I live a life without mistakes, but I can say that I am determined to walk to road God has designed for me.

Paul's ministry was one of great persecution and I find myself reminded of this when I get the looks. I try to remind myself of the time that the Lord came to Paul in chapter 23 and God tells him that he should be of good cheer because the testimony he brought of Christ in Jerusalem he will now bring to Rome. Are we willing to endure the mob to get the Word of Christ forward?

Many of us have not taken a punch for the name of Christ, but I have heard of some who have. In that I am inspired to go forward with the gospel message and stand with assurance that this message is worth it all.

So, I leave you with this. Be of good cheer my brothers and sisters. You may have endured the mob, but remember it was for a great purpose. God is doing great things in 2014!

To all those being affected by the weather... stay warm and be safe!

Not Every Sorry...

 The other day I saw a post on Instagram that was so powerful to me. The picture said "Not every sorry... should be responded with a ...